Am taking a break, plan to be back after the first of the year. Stay warm, stay safe and take care of each other.
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Sunday evening darkness has set in. We spent the day doing absolutely zilch. Have stayed in my Cuddl Duds for that extra cozy feel. Thought I'd drop by and leave a few words. Nothing noteworthy is going on over my way.
Tis the opportune time to reflect how the week of Christmas was spent in our younger years. Oh, what a flurry. We both worked, took one evening to do our Christmas present shopping, and hurried our way to the last minute on Christmas Eve when we joined family for the festivities.
Now, here we are, in a whole new lifestyle that caters to those who have seen the most summers. There is no more hurriedness and no more shopping. Our friend-to-friend gifts might be something freshly baked and hand-delivered. Other than the G-clan, we're pretty much forgotten. Maybe that's why we cherish our friends and those special family members who find it in their hearts to hold onto uncle and auntie.
Have been surfing Pinterest looking for a dessert to fix for Christmas Eve. Want to serve something special. We've decided on Swiss Steak, gravy, mashed potatoes, our guests are bringing dressing, a cranberry-mandarin orange and walnut salad. The Eve of Christmas has always been the time of the 'big' celebration, and years ago we managed to do both families in one evening. We'd start at my parents' house for supper, then open presents. Then go to the G-clan, open presents, have lunch, and then head for Midnight Mass.
Christmas Day will be just the two of us by design. We're gonna make a bunch of our favorite snacky foods and munch all day. I asked my boyfriend to buy Ballatore Gran Spumante for sipping along with the appetizers. Venny isn't having a Christmas dinner this year. Cuddy will arrive on Christmas Day, so we want to be home when baby bubba comes to our door.
Weather forecast still calling for frigid temperatures this week. Stay warm and safe.
Saturday, December 17, 2022
AccuWeather is tracking a large storm with rain, snow and wind ahead of Christmas, along with bone-chilling temps that could be the coldest in decades. Already our G-clan Christmas has been postponed until January. Christmas Eve we're having two of our Venny friends over for supper, which has become a tradition. Thursday we're invited to Cuddy's parents' which is about a mile from Venny. Looks like this holiday will be wait-and-see what develops.
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Stones Covered With Moss Pattern |
Have concluded that in order to stay sane I must have a large project to work on. It's the creative spirit that allows the design to nurture itself, one stitch at a time. The Kawandi, for me and my little corner of the universe, is what suits me best.
Also have comfort crosses to crochet for the rest home. Usually donate them in groups of ten, and that's a lot of work to crochet 20 crosses, then sew two together and stuff with polyfill.
Last night I had my beloved Jack's pizza, but gotta say the last two have disappointed my taste buds. The crust has changed to being too close to cardboard for comfort. Told the boyfriend not to bring 'em home anymore. The one last night was a Canadian bacon, and it was quite pitiful.
Time to think about lunch. Ta-ta till the morrow.
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Am back to pass on my two cents worth regarding the magic crochet hook. Went to YT and watched enough of one lady's video to tell me that the hook has to be the dumbest thing on the market. She started her video showing how to hold the hook, where the button is to reset the rows and stitches. Right off the bat she inadvertently hit the reset and screwed her count up. I couldn't take much more, so I shut the video down and filed the idea in my personal file #13. Sorry if I got anyone's hopes up for a magic crochet hook.
Snowed overnight, and a few flakes fall as I type this. A couple big black crows just flew by. Such a stark contrast to the winter white. Checked the weather forecast, and sounds like frigid temperatures will be descending upon the central part of the U.S. next week before Christmas. Temperatures like 30 below zero. That's gonna make for tough travels, 'specially for those of us who are teetering on the short end of life's ruler.
We have had some neat pre-Christmas happy parties already. On the 22nd we're invited to Cuddy's house for an afternoon of holiday sips, snacks and a Christmas movie marathon. I'm a movie lover, so I await this with child-like anticipation. Somewhere along the way here I'll watch Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase. That's a Christmas must for me. No matter how many times I watch that movie, I laugh till it hurts.
We're receiving a few Christmas cards each day in the mail. Ours will be delivered via air waves, rather than the postal system. I just don't have the pizazz anymore to do the traditional things. I do hold high regard for those who still do.
Till the morrow, ta-ta.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
This morning FB introduced me to a crochet hook that counts stitches and rows. Holy toads, whoever would've thought of that for an invention. First thing that comes to mind is how one resets it, or how it works when different stitches are made in one row. Gotta check this out to see if it'd be worth my while to order one. As it stands now, there is a pint jar on my dresser filled with standing crochet hooks. With so many, it's obvious there are quite a few duplicates. It took me until retirement to actually have myself organized enough to not need duplicates anymore. Everything has its place and I know where to look for my crafting equipment.
Tis a very hazy day, looks like the clouds are down to the ground. The boyfriend is out and about picking up our meds at the pharmacy and grocery shopping. I paid our monthly cell phone bill, plus renewed a couple of subscriptions. Fixed a deluxe salad for lunch. There isn't a soul out and about. Would guess everyone is doing the same thing, and that is basically nothing.
Think I'll do a bit of research on this new-fangled crochet hook. The second something new like this enters my brain, it drives me nuts to know all about it. My first reaction was that it's silly, but then I think of how I stop and count the stitches to make sure I've hooked the right amount. For the sake of keeping up with the latest inventions, it's likely I'll be getting one. Just one more way that our era is being updated and replaced. The ongoing story of existence.
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
This morning we sit back and relive yesterday. Our dear friends from way way back brought two pizzas, and the four of us sat around our table and talked about the fun times we've shared over the years. There's really nothing more special than the friends who've walked through life with us. They were kind and left pizza that we later shared with Cuddy's daddy. Yup, our little fuzz bucket went home last evening, and there's a crater in our home since he left. But, the good news is he's returning on Christmas Day and staying with us until April. Like I told his daddy, we make sure Cuddy is safe, warm and loved. Who among us can ask for anything more.
The wind's blowing, the tree branches are wiggling like we used to do when we danced the twist. One lonely leaf blew onto our deck, and I watched it dance around by itself.
Satellite images show a massive storm tracking across the country.
This is the current weather radar, and we're right smack dab in the path of the storm that's almost upon us. Tornado damage is reported in Oklahoma and Texas. Roads are impassable in western Nebraska due to snow and wind. The boyfriend planned to go to the pharmacy to pick up my meds, but I convinced him to stay home. The days of heroic actions are over at our age. The two of us bird dog each other's safety like mother hens. (giggle)Sunday, December 11, 2022
For maybe seven years now we've had an HP Envy 4520 printer that worked well with our Chromebooks. Well, the powers that be have made that model printer no longer compatible with Chromebooks. The printer works perfectly fine, but is now totally useless to us.
This frustrated the pants off of me today. Spent the hours researching printers that are compatible to Chromebooks. So many gimmicks in place for the consumer to get trapped into. Ink cartridges are one biggie. Some printers have the plans where the ink is automatically mailed to you, and there are different plans available. Didn't want that. Some printers have about five different colors, each in one cartridge. Didn't want that.
Just minutes ago I pressed the buttons that ordered a Canon PIXMA TR7020a printer that will accommodate two ink cartridges. Total price for printer plus extra ink cartridges plus tax totals $200.36. Should arrive in about one week.I desperately need something printed before then, I can always use the printer down in the office. Just for kicks I ordered a white printer instead of black. Anything to modernize and bring the atmosphere up instead of down.
There was a concert downstairs this afternoon, but I got so tangled up in this printer mess, that we didn't go down for it. Nothing drives me up a wall more than not being set up with my computer and printer that acts like an IV for me. Talk about an addict. Yowza.
This afternoon the boyfriend mixed us hot chocolate and peppermint schnapps toddies. Ooooh, talk about yummy. Leftovers will be supper.
Haven't heard from Cuddy's parents, so don't know when they'll be picking him up. Looks like he'll be spending another night here.
Think I'm gonna play some Candy Cane Mahjong to get myself settled down.
Saturday, December 10, 2022
A snowy, hazy, foggy day. Quite perfect for a day of quiet contentment.
Have gotten into the routine of posting later in the day. Seems the hours speed by and before I know it darkness is setting in.
Not a lot going on to share. Haven't heard from Cuddy's parents as to when they'll be returning from their Florida Christmas adventure. If I remember right, tomorrow might be the day Cuddy goes back home for the holidays. Will wait for the text advising the plan.
The boyfriend put together a batch of spaghetti for supper. Can't help but remember years ago when the five of my little nieces called their Gramma's spaghetti....pasgetti. Oh, how the five little girls loved their Gramma's pasgetti.
My Mom, their Gramma, would take the pasgetti out on the lawn of her house yard for a picnic. She spread a blanket on the grass, and the little girls had a party eating her famous pasgetti. Memories warm my heart.
Darkness has set in, the red lights on the deck are lit and ever so festive. It's time to turn today's page and close the book. It's my hope that all my readers are safe and warm. Let's each one make the best of the moment and pray for tomorrow's blessings.
Friday, December 9, 2022
Woke up to a white world.....about 5" of snow fell during the night.
Our dinner party brought three classmates together. Before diving into our chili bowls, the four of us clasped our hands and prayed together. Our evening was brimmed with comments of how fortunate we are to still be together....and for all of our individual blessings along the way.
The blonde brownie dessert was dynamite, and I'm here to say that the two of us will have repeat servings this evening, despite the deadly sugar intake.
Am sipping a Vodka Gimlet, fashioned with vodka, Rosie's Lime Juice, a titch of olive juice and a few pimento stuffed olives. That, to me, is the ultimate libation. Leftover chili with all the trimmings will be our supper.
Today we learned of two dear friends, each having recently received a troubling health diagnosis. We're all in the same age range, which tends for us to circle the wagons of love around them. When we were young, growing old seemed to be light years ahead of far in the distance that we didn't worry about it. Well, how frail the youthful mind with regard to the human lifespan. Here we are.....lined up with all of our beloved friends who have walked beside us.....each one accepting his/her assigned burden. All we can do is stay together and pray together, not knowing which one of us will be next in line to be tagged "you're it." I'd lack integrity if I said I wasn't fearful. I'm fearful of being left fearful of being the first of the two of us to go. Am fearful of the tears, the aloneness.
There are so many aspects of leaving this world that are scary. Just like the anticipation before birth.....there is the dread before death. It isn't the after-life that I fear. It's the letting go of life, the thought of never seeing the trees change color, the snow fall, a thunder and lightning storm, the full moon, the rising sun. I mourn the thought of my beloved possessions being dispersed with careless disregard. All the things that my heart holds dear will need to be relinquished or destroyed.
This may sound daunting, but this is the way I feel at this moment. When my friends suffer, my heart feels their pain. I've said for years that My Creator over-dosed me with empathy. My life was blessed with the ability to enjoy others' happiness, as well as feel their pain of suffering. I'm so unable to understand how people can inflict pain on others and not show a shred of remorse. My soft-heartedness has been the source of intense pain over the course of my lifetime. Sort of an invisible affliction that the rest of the world was totally unaware of.
Our city is right now displaying fireworks. The boyfriend sits on the couch, looks out our patio doors, and can watch the fireworks perfectly. Yup, we sure do count our blessings, the everyday ones that are sprinkled out before us.
Little Cuddy's t-shirt arrived, and he likes wearing it. Yesterday I took a picture of him laying in his bed beside his little Christmas tree. The ornaments in the tree are hand-made by Dale and are made of spoons. One red cardinal was a gift from our next-door Venny neighbor and the other from Cuddy's other momma. The shirt Cuddy lays on is his real daddy's t-shirt. The shirt comes along with Cuddy on each of his stays.
Yesterday I sent out the G-clan Christmas memo setting out the gift-exchange rules. The price limit is $5, the gift must start with the second letter of the person's middle name, must be gift-wrapped. I'll come up with a fun way of deciding which gift each person receives.
Well, it's time for me to head to the chili bar. Till the morrow ta-ta.
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Sun's shining, but later on the weather may get iffy, and tomorrow we should get maybe a mixture of rain/snow. Time will tell. Just so long as our two guests can make it here and return home safely. Safety is always of the essence.
Final touches on the meal, setting a table, which is always fun. I'm making fruit kabobs with grapes, banana, strawberry and marshmallow. The bananas are the trickiest. Will have to put them in Real Lemon Juice so they don't turn brown. They will serve as the salad portion of our supper. Simple.Guess I'm known for making holiday favors like these kabobs. Have been doing it now for over 50 years. Pinterest is a wonderful source of new ideas. One of my go-to websites for sure.
The G-clan has asked me to be in charge of a silly gift exchange for our Christmas together. Think I'm going to give everyone an elf-name. Pinterest offers a variety of names according to first name and birth month. Silly is fun. Our world needs to be more silly and less serious. Any way I can sneak in a little silliness now and then, well, that's what I'm gonna do.
Christmas is said to be a lonely time. Remembering the past and how things used to hard for all of us. That's why it's critical that we find ways to shine the light on new traditions, because someday they will bring back nice memories for someone else. That's how I look at it.
We have some of the most wonderful memories of Christmases past, but we know they are gone and will never be again. That's why we've gotta keep going forward and not linger too long in the past. That's what I try to do. Family dynamics change constantly, people change, and society changes. Nothing can stay the same, nor do we want it to. Who knows, maybe something absolutely spectacular is around the corner waiting for us. It takes a positive attitude in a negative world to fill our thimble with peace and joy.
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
We like to plan meals that can be prepared ahead of time. The green onions are chopped, as are the ripe olives, tucked in the fridge in zip-lock baggies. Don't know what we'd do without little baggies. We have an area in the kitchen cupboard where all sizes, from snack size to large size, reside. Our frugal nature has us washing and reusing them.
For appetizers, we're serving a goat cheese log covered with a blueberry glaze, with Wheat Thins. Also bacon-wrapped water chestnuts. Those are ready for the oven, but will stay in the outside grill till tomorrow. We need room in the fridge for other stuff. The grill makes a nifty extra cold-storage space for times like this.
Our holiday decorating is complete. We're going by the "less is more" tradition this year. Have to start thinking about baking goodies to give out to our Venny friends. It's definitely a share and share alike joint. We have some marvelous bakers out here that love to bake and share. Guess that's what this season is all about.
This morning our world is covered with hoar frost, so wintry. There might be some rain/snow tomorrow evening. We watch the weather radar on our I-phones, and that tells us exactly where a storm system is and how fast it's approaching our area. It's great for those traveling.
Am getting lots of pictures from Cuddy's parents in Disney World and Epcot. They're down there for a week taking in the Christmas lights and all the fairytale atmosphere that Disney puts out. I'm the beneficiary via phone of gorgeous photos taken minutes before me seeing 'em. Makes me cringe when I think of the day when we took pictures with a camera, had to send the film away, half of 'em fizzled. Man, the luxuries we have today.
Well, think I'm gonna have lunch and kick back for a while. Till the morrow...ta-ta.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
A trip to the grocery store today screams an economy that's growing worse. There's no way prices can continue to go north. According to the rumor mill, people of all societal levels are going to food pantries to put food on the table. The joke (?) is that there are those who drive up to the food pantry driving new SUV's. That's just plain wrong to my way of thinking.
Oh, I know I put myself on the line by writing my true feelings. There are many who disagree, and that's as it should be. I'm getting rather tired of holding my tongue and only listening. Bottom line, our society has lost integrity. There are certain parts of our population who are easily offended, and the rest of us are expected to abide. And, with that, I shall zip it.
Today I had a lot of fun designing a bracelet for someone special. The boyfriend teases me about the perfect late-life hobby that makes me so happy while sitting in my retirement recliner. I absolutely love to make things, but I need to have someone special to give them to. Otherwise, we'd have to pay for a storage unit to store my creations.
The boyfriend put together a meat loaf, and its baking aroma has me salivating. We're both sipping a pre-meal cocktail and will be hungry as bears when it's done.
We're having guests over for supper Thursday, so tomorrow we'll be preparing food ahead and cleaning the house. What's more fun than entertaining friends....'specially during the holidays. I remember when we were kids, neighbors visited neighbors in the evening and about 11 o'clock the kitchen table would be filled with a full-fledged meal. Guess that's what makes me whole-heartedly enjoy inviting guests and being invited out as guests. Call me old-fashioned.
Actress Kirstie Alley passed away from cancer. I always liked her. Can't help but think how the Grim Reaper takes us one by one, no matter our fame or our fortune.
Ordered Cuddy a t-shirt to wear in the house. The t-shirt arrived today, and it's just as I hoped. Also ordered a curling-iron brush that will accommodate my shorter hair style. Both were ordered online from Walmart, postage free cuz their total reached $25. Can't beat it with a stick.
Started writing my article for Venny's December Newsletter. Right now it's in the "iffy" stage. Thoughts have to be formulated in my brain before I can put down on paper what will inspire the reader.
Well, best to get to my computer and let my mind float from Candy Cane Majong to YT videos to which I subscribe. Tis a quiet evening, the red Christmas lights on the balcony are so pretty, and darkness has us cuddled in for the night. The boyfriend spent part of the afternoon in the workshop making a memo board for one of our Venny friends. She asked him to make it for her. He's happy to use his creative mind to make things for our Venny family of friends.
Monday, December 5, 2022
Our Saturday night party was over the top. We laughed, joked, acted silly, discussed global unrest, but decided the world's problems couldn't be solved with common sense. At least we addressed them. We sipped toddies, nibbled on appetizers, stuffed ourselves with supper and dessert. It was one of those evenings we affectionately filed away in our memory album.
I was gifted with a pair of Cuddl Dud Sherpa Socks in my favorite purple color with big white snowflakes. Also a bar of fragrant homemade soap and body lotion. These are what I call heart-to-heart gifts.
Today we putzed around, put up a few holiday decorations, and are having leftovers from last night's homemade chicken noodle soup and hot chicken sandwiches. One of our Venny friends has a bad cold, so the boyfriend fixed her the soup and took it down to them. They're the couple who take care of Cuddy when we have something going on and need to leave for a few hours.
Nothing too newsworthy going on. Stay safe and warm.
Saturday, December 3, 2022
Dear me, a few minutes ago I texted our hostess asking what time to ring their door bell tonight. Yesterday I talked about the importance of my calendar so we know where to be and at what time. And, here I am with a calendar reminding us where to be...but not when. Another glitch in the noggin.
Cuddy will sport a new Christmas sweater for the party. Daddy Dale bought him one at WM yesterday while picking up necessities. We tried it on him, and it fits perfectly. It's a secret, but I ordered Cuddy a little t-shirt to wear around the house this winter. We're giving him the time of his life.
While the boyfriend was gone yesterday, our door bell rang. One of my Venny lady friends had a problem with her I-pad and getting it to connect to her printer. Tried to assist, but instead offered to retype her paper and print it out on my printer. Wouldn't you know it, my printer was low on ink. Got out a new black cartridge and one colored cartridge out, removed the empty cartridges, and put in the new ones. Nada. The printer's message read that the two cartridges were missing. Huh? Double checked and triple checked. New cartridges were installed. Then something clicked in my brain.....I didn't remove the little tapey things from the cartridges before installing them. Yup. Another glitch in the noggin.
All through life we all have daily glitches. It's only now until our later years that our imaginations magnify them. So much hype about the diseases of the mind and the elderly. Naturally the brain is going to wear out like our joints. Whatever happens, happens. All we can do is exercise our minds like we do our muscles and pray for the best. It seems when we get older either our bodies give out first or our minds falter. There are five words that both of us try to live by.......IT IS WHAT IT IS.The little fuzzy one interrupted my sleep last night. Needed a drink of water, but then he walked over to his little bed in the living room and crawled in and cuddled down. So, I took a blanket and slept next to him on the couch. This morning my back feels like I fell off the Golden Gate Bridge and landed on cement. Think the next time he does that I'm gonna pick his little butt up and take him back to bed. My canine parenting skills are subject to scrutiny, trust me. Don't have any idea how a little creature weighing 20 pounds can win over an adult person's heart. They are filled with magic, and Cuddy has his very own wand and definitely knows how to use it.
It's fun having a party to look forward to. I can picture our host and hostess preparing the meal, prettying up their home, and their two little fur children waiting for Cuddy to arrive. Friends are life's most beautiful gifts. Lifetime friendships are solid gold.
Have a good Saturday. It's pretty nippy in our neck of the woods. Ta-ta till the morrow.
Friday, December 2, 2022
Another week draws to a close. Now that we're retired, it seems it's always Friday. Polar opposite of when we were chained to our jobs. Seemed then time crept slowly and was forever until Friday. Life was very structured, and we obeyed the alarm clock like it was a drill sergeant screaming in our ears. One of my beloved late-life blessings is cuddling down for more sleep. The little things now are big things.
Tomorrow we're invited to be with our dear friends, gathering for a holiday party. Cuddy is anxious to go along to see his little fur-friends, Chi-Bear and Yuki. Both are very welcoming to Cuddy, and that makes our little guy feel special. The six of us who'll be together are dog lovers. Will be a fun time for sure.
Guess late last night or early morning there was a shooting in our town outside a bar. Lordie almighty, it's like the wild west out there. It's one thing to read about shootings and killings and violence in other places, but when it's in one's home town....well, that's a whole different story.
My "to-do" list keeps growing, and that's cuz of my inability to keep my nose out of a good book. I'm hooked on books like addicts to cocaine and heroin. Have been learning about the synthetic opioid fentanyl. Didn't realize it's 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin. Also found some scary statistics, i.e.: 138.543 million (or 50%) of people aged 12 and over have illicitly used drugs in their lifetime. 138.522 million Americans 12 and over drink alcohol. Scary. Guess I'm fortunate to admit to being a procrastinator rather than a drug user.
Hopefully today I shall be able to check off a couple of tasks from my list. Don't know how we could survive if I didn't keep a calendar on my Chromebook. We're beyond functioning with post-it reminders. We're at the phase where we need to pull up a monthly calendar that shows us where we need to be and the time. The Google calendar is very user friendly and serves as our North Star.Best get moving at my turtle pace. The cuppa is yummy, it's just nice to be able to sit back and not have to hurry. Think I've finished that chapter. Isn't it fascinating how, one by one, we change our ways and merge into another lane on life's highway. Let the young exceed the speed limit....I'll be in the creeper lane content to watch 'em buzz on by. Maybe it's a sign of fulfillment....who knows.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Tis a good day for us, 'cuz the little fuzzy one returned. He'd been to the spa for grooming, so he's set for the holidays. We're anxious to have him with us in our little celebrations this month.
Just read that the 2023 forever postage stamp is going from 60 to 63 cents. Can remember sitting by the kitchen table writing over 100 Christmas cards and holiday letters. In 1967, the year we got married, the cost of a first class stamp was 5 cents. In 1968, the price went up to 6 cents. To mail 100 Christmas cards in 1967 cost $5.00. To send 100 Christmas cards today with postage still at 60 cents would cost $60.
My plan was to decorate the entry to our unit today, but didn't get around to it. A sweet girl brought us a gorgeous Christmas wreath she fashioned from real evergreen decorated with pine cones from Colorado. It looks beautiful on our deck railing.
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The Spirit of the Season |
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Today's post will be a gold-star commercial for Applebee's current sizzling skillets, 'specially the chicken and shrimp scampi served sizzling hot with mashed potatoes and broccoli. Have to say it was the best meal eaten at a restaurant in a very long time.
Cuddy's parents treated us to this special outing. If the meal wasn't enough, we also shared the Blonde Brownie Dessert. There aren't words to adequately describe what that was like, so will simply share the photo we took before diving into it.
This was absolutely the most divine dessert I've ever tasted. And, right now I'm drooling just looking at the photo.Sunday, November 27, 2022
A safe trolley home after a delightful day spent with the boyfriend's family. Have one little great-niece that loves to cuddle beside me, and that warms my heart beyond words. Turkey was served with all the traditional side dishes.
Dessert was an over-the-moon pumpkin pie made with a graham cracker crust topped with pecans and caramel sauce, topped with pumpkin pie and whipped cream. Lord knows, I could've easily taken a second piece, but my manners meter told me to stay within the boundaries. As I sip this morning's cuppa, I can only imagine how a piece of that pie would taste right now.
On our way, we stopped at a thrift store in a southern Minnesota town and were greeted with the words, "Everything's half price today!" Found three books and a picture that I instantly knew had to be mine, 'specially when I read the words "Grant me the wisdom." We got money back from a $5 bill. It's been awhile since I've been in a thrift store, so it was a fun break on our journey northward. Could've bought more things, but my possession meter curbed more purchases.
Today this framed picture replaces another in the master bedroom. The one that came down from the wall is going to our local thrift store to be passed on to another owner. That's how I roll these days. Buy one thing, get rid of one thing. That maintains a nice balance, and that way things don't start owning us.
Tomorrow we're going with Cuddy's parents to Applebee's for lunch. We're looking forward to that. It's another sweet little holiday celebration. We treasure each invitation to be with our friends, and that's how our holiday season is celebrated. We're invited to join the G-clan for their Christmas on the 23rd of December. I volunteered to take charge of a silly gift exchange. With inflation, I'm thinking the dollar limit will have to go to $1.25 this year. Now I have to think of some fun idea on what the gifts will be. Guess I have a reputation for dreaming up fun ways of exchanging gifts, because my volunteering was quickly made into reality.
Weather today is gorgeous for this time of year. Yesterday we did see some small patches of snow that haven't yet melted, but for the most part the snow's gone.
Just realized that I have an eye appointment tomorrow at 1 o'clock that's gonna have to be postponed cuz of our Applebee's date. This is a 6-week appointment, and that makes me realize how fast these last six weeks have gone. In that amount of time we'll have to remember to write 2023, rather than 2022. Boy, when a person thinks we were born in the 1940s, the calendar year feels daunting.
Leftovers are still in the fridge, so neither of us will need to cook today. Makes me wonder what life was like before the microwave. Reheating food is easy-peasy. Wonder what my beloved Gramma would think of me and my microwave, when all she had was a wood stove. Advancements have made life much easier for us, and for the progress I'm grateful.
Till the morrow.......
Saturday, November 26, 2022
The fuzzy one returned to his home last evening. His daddy joined us for a couple of sips and chili supper. This morning there's a void in our home the size of an elephant, left by a 20-pound Bichon. Best part is he's returning this coming Thursday for another 10-day stay.
We're off to Winona today for Thanksgiving dinner number two. The weather is ideal for a trolley to the north. Snow is in next week's forecast, but time will reveal the accuracy of that prediction.
Yesterday afternoon Cuddy and I cuddled in for a long afternoon nap. Family drama sets the stage for my mental fatigue. It's amazing how one's body knows when it's time to shut itself down. Kind of like a battery that needs recharging.
Today's post will be short, nothing newsworthy to write about. Tis time to shower and get dressed. It's a 1-1/2 hour drive, and the car needs gas before we embark. We take a route with some curvy, but scenic, roads. Will be a fine outing for us.
Friday, November 25, 2022
We celebrated yesterday at one nephew's home, and tomorrow we'll celebrate at the other nephew's home. How blessed are we!
A table of food fit for a king and queen. Turkey was deep fried, served alongside a platter of prime rib au jus. All the trimmings and more. Thank heaven for elastic, that's all I've gotta say. They sent leftovers home with us.
Cuddy spent the day with his gramma and twin aunties. We had a nice visit with them when we dropped him off and then again when we picked him up. They sent home with us four squash, which we just love. The squash isn't a butternut, but looks like a tiny version of it. Guess they're very sweet tasting. The twins cut the squash into cubes with raw cranberries, pecans and brown sugar and bake them in a casserole. Can't wait to fix 'em for the two of us. A true gesture of giving on Thanksgiving Day.
It's my personal tradition to read The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus after Thanksgiving every year. It's kinda my way of transitioning from one holiday to the next. The book was written in 1902 by L. Frank Baum, author of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
Darkness had set in on our way home yesterday, so we enjoyed Christmas lights and displays that were already in place. The time of year has arrived when our world lights up, families unite, and an air of peace on earth prevails. It's a time to be cherished and remembered.
The sun's shining, and my jeweled suncatchers have rainbows scattered on the walls and ceilings. I'm in my Cuddl Duds sipping coffee, sharing my thoughts with my readers. Memories of yesterday make me warm and fuzzy inside. There's nothing on earth that soothes the soul like contentment. Nothing more do I treasure than The Magical World of Contentment where petty dramas don't exist.
Gotta share a funny story. We parked our car in nephew's driveway yesterday. We waited to put our hearing aids in until we got there. In the process, we dropped both pairs between the front seats onto the floor. Well, you know what a tight squeeze it is between the seat and the consul. It was one of life's unexpected catastrophes that can only be created by two older people in an attempt to better their infirmities. After a frantic search, all four aids were found. That's when my boyfriend looked at his nephew and said the funniest thing......."If I happen to die, don't feel bad!" It was a joke, but I knew exactly how he felt. It was the kind of statement that screamed of the struggle that accompanies old age. When we got in the house and I put my aids in my ears, I proceeded to adjust them with the app on my phone. For whatever reason, they wouldn't connect, so I couldn't turn up the volume. Don't know how many times I had to ask others to repeat themselves. I cringe at what lies ahead.
Can imagine how busy the stores are today, with it being Black Friday. We no longer exchange gifts, but rather share meals or homemade treats with neighbors. Kids nowadays prefer gift cards, which, to my way of thinking, just doesn't have the personal touch of giving, but more like fulfilling an obligation to give something. I have to remind myself that it's a new era, everything changes from generation to generation, the old ways are replaced with the new. We can, however, always claim rightful ownership to our era.
Stay safe and enjoy the leftovers. To me, leftovers help me relive the blessing of the main meal, those who sat around the table with me, and the joy of spending a day with children who will claim this as their time. We all eventually pass the torch on and relinquish our hold. It is what it is.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
A huge flock of Canadian Geese are flying northward as I look out our window. Their V-formations make me think of the Great Spirit's ways of taking care of his creatures. The weather is nice for a walk, and the neighborhood puppies have been walking more today than usual. All the snow has melted, and we're back to the brown landscape.
We're trekking to our nephew's home for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. He and his wife have two little girls. Thought it would be nice to make a bracelet for each of them. One is pink and one blue, designed with the beads in the stash. Memory wire bracelets are the best to give away, as they stretch to fit the wearer's wrist. Could sit and make jewelry and sun catchers all day every day, but then what to do with it. Regardless, this afternoon was fun.We're taking Cuddy to his gramma's house while we're gone tomorrow. I've gotten fairly possessive of him, but it's gotta be. His gramma is a dear soul, but she's elderly and none of us want her taking him outside to do his business. We'll be back home mid-afternoon if we go mid-morning. Our nephew, I know, will have the makings for Bloody Mary's....I just know him, and he knows how I love 'em when we all get together.
Just put a poppy seed cake in the oven. Will fix the lemon pudding frosting in the morning before we go. I've got all my have-tos and want-tos finished.
Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday, but personally I celebrate Thanksgiving every single day. So much to be thankful for, and even to thank for the things we were kept safe from happening to us. With that said, I send out to my faithful followers my prayers and wishes for a beautiful day of thanking and giving. I'm thankful that you are part of my daily silliness. As I wrote in my November Venny sure to set your scales back 10 pounds and enjoy the meal that has been prepared with love.Ta-ta. Be safe.
Monday, November 21, 2022
Last night's dreams took me back to the days that I remember with giggles in my heart, yet I can't help but wonder if those days were actually as I saw them through my little girl's eyes. Have always wondered about the old saying "those were the days." Were they really all that wonderful, or do we add and subtract from them according to our personal wishes. Who knows.
One dream took me fishing, and my brother bought me a brand new pole. I was SO incredibly happy, and I snagged a sheephead the first throw. I threw the fish back, but after talking with some guy (unknown in real life) about the pearl-like stones found in the cheek of the sheephead, I wished I'd not have thrown it back in the water. Where on earth are these memories stored? How can our minds remember things from years and years back? Is it possible for our computer-like minds to have simply evolved?
Dreams are the craziest. How does our mind manufacture them while the rest of us is sound asleep? Why do we remember some of them so vividly that they never go away from our memory? While others simply dissolve into nothingness and don't bother to ever return?
Today our great-niece is coming over to visit. We're going to have lunch here together. She is on a doctor-prescribed gluten-free eating plan, so we're fixing a chicken and rice casserole. Rice is gluten-free. Won't make a dessert for us.....even though we're known to love-love-love our desserts. I want to adhere to the plan as prescribed so as to help, rather than hinder her efforts. We're looking forward to spending time with our dear heart. It's especially nice with Cuddy here, cuz she adores the canine cuties.
I remember the time she and her momma spent the night at our house, and we gave the girls our bed upstairs to sleep in. They asked if our little Emma could sleep with them. Emma loved the girls and was more than willing. After about a half hour we were called to the scene of the accident. Yup, Emma knew darned well the two girls didn't belong in our bed, so she did what she never ever did......she peed on our bed. OMG, what a circus that was. We were all tired, so I put a thick bath towel over the wet bed and told 'em all to go to sleep. Those are the memories that make us giggle years later.
Puppy pee doesn't really upset puppy owners. A cousin once called it "sugar water." Our undying memories of our Emma bring us joy even yet. Cuddy is a spitting image of her, except that he's a little boy. Otherwise, they're identical. Except their personalities. Emma was a terrorist. Cuddy is an angel. Go figure. The boyfriend used to say that Emma took after me.
Best get my rear in gear, shower, and get in the kitchen. Am going to make some bacon-covered chestnuts for us, too. That will be a gluten-free addition, plus we have Granny Smith Apples and bananas to cut into pieces. My tendency always is to make too much food. That habit goes way back to childhood when mom cooked for farmers, and big meals were the daily norm. Guess we best not complain about the blessing of a lifetime of good food served by a loving mother. Back then, they showed us their love through the foods they made. Guess one could say that we're keeping that tradition alive today by preparing a meal for our darling great-niece.
The sun's shining. Temps have warmed up a bit. Cannot help but think about the residents in New York who received an avalanche of 7 feet of snow. That's a massive amount of white stuff to descend upon the earth. Just imagine removing that much snow to return daily life to normalcy.
Gotta kick it into gear here. Ta-ta til the morrow.
Sunday, November 20, 2022
The little white cherub wanted off the bed at 4:30 this morning. Like an obedient caretaker, I put him on the floor, and from there proceeded to the couch. At 6:30, he insisted on taking a walk with the other in-house caretaker. I turned over, covered my head with a blanket and slept till 9:30 when the little white cherub insisted my sleep time was over. Might the roles be reversed here? Absolutely. I just don't wear a collar and have visible leash!
The doorbell rang yesterday afternoon, and our next-door neighbor gifted us with a poinsettia plant. Awwww........ Tis time for the pretty red flowers to adorn our world. It would be a challenge to see if I could keep the poinsettia plant alive until next Christmas. Never had the urge to do that before, but instead tossed the plants when time took away their beauty.
The sun is shining on Mabel and Zebrina. I love how our home faces the east, and the girls can absorb the sun's penetrating sustenance. We watch the sun come up and rainbows appear after a rain. A couple years back I stood on our balcony and took a photo of my neighbor standing on her balcony taking a photo of a double rainbow.
Watched a few high profile interrogations on YT yesterday. Also live camera recordings of law enforcement stopping vehicles and pressing charges. Boggles the mind how people try to lie their way out of a traffic stop. Even in the interrogation room, the detectives are skilled at knowing when they are hearing the truth and when they're not. It can take hours and hours before the bad guys crack and admit the truth. Then there are those who never do. It's interesting how people with titles and a string of letters after their name think they're above the law and belong to a category of non-accountability. Arrogance is the sin of superiority, so it is said.
The sky is blue with a couple light fuzzy clouds passing through the sky that's visible through our window. Who ever would've guessed that life would slow down to where I could watch the clouds and not feel guilty for pressing the pause button.
Ta-ta til the morrow. Stay warm and safe. Don't forget to look up and see the movable feast that's passing by in the sky!
Friday, November 18, 2022
The dental clinic called to remind me of Monday's dental appointment. My late-life tendency to procrastinate took over and rescheduled it for the end of May. My mind tells me that if I brush, floss and have no problems.....well, that's the rationale of my decision.
The three of us had a lazy day. Very light snow fell off and on, so pretty to watch. On days like this, thinking of something to write about is difficult. We're having a simple supper of hamburgers and potato chips. Easy peasy.
The boyfriend tackled the small closet which we made into our pantry. When Covid hit, we bought groceries and other necessities, and that's when the pantry was born. When I was a little girl, and we lived in the old 3-story stone house, we had a pantry by our kitchen. To me, they're the most sensible part of a kitchen. It took a lot of years, but now we have a pantry!
Looks like we're in for colder temps. Stay warm and cozy.
Thursday, November 17, 2022
We're up early cuz my little baby bubba wanted to get up. The boys took their morning outing, and now we're up and bubba is asleep in his bed. Gotta love it!
Snow falls lightly as I type this. For us, it's the perfect ambiance for a Cuddl Dud Day. The snow is lightly accumulating on the deck, making my Adirondack chair look like something left behind from another era. That's as fast as the seasons change. It's totally winter.
The boyfriend went downtown for groceries yesterday and brought back Kwik Star chicken for supper. Eight pieces for $10. Store-bought french fries went in the oven on a cookie sheet. Delish and simple....simply delish.
Think we must be getting old, cuz homemade soup is becoming more and more appealing. When we were kids, about the only soups we had were chicken noodle, vegetable or ham and bean. Nowadays Pinterest has oodles of fun recipes for us to try. Got a recipe for cheeseburger soup that's supposed to be really good, but haven't made it. Now that winter's here, soups will be on the supper menu.
Cuddy's primary caretakers called last evening, and we agreed that our custody will extend now beyond Thanksgiving. On the 28th, weather permitting, they're taking us to Applebee's for lunch. We're looking forward to that. I've seen Applebee's ads for some yummy food specials now.
Today's agenda is open. Will pay two bills online and that's about it. Yesterday when watching the sentencing hearing, the defense attorneys bugged me to the point where I stopped watching. Will see what transpires today. I ask myself, what are the chances the jury will decide the death penalty for the murder of one person, when another Florida jury just decided life without parole for the school shooter who murdered 17 and injured 17.
For Sharon |
Ta-ta till the morrow.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Written on Tuesday: Woke up this morning to a white covering of snow.
Last two days have been watching another Florida murder trial. The jury returned the verdict of guilty of first degree murder after deliberating for only one hour and eleven minutes. The next phase is the sentencing, with both sides bringing witnesses.
We inherited a table-top artificial tree, an evergreen for the front door plus several evergreen with pinecone sprays from our Venny neighbor. Strings of red lights are up on our deck railing. The Christmas decorations won't go up until after Thanksgiving Day. I still live by the old-fashioned tradition of honoring each holiday in its own time. Putting Christmas trees up before Halloween robs Halloween and Thanksgiving of their importance.
Got my hair chopped off today. Short pixie. Asked my stylist if there's something a person can use to put a little funky color in an old lady's gray hair. She was quick to say there's Hair Chalk that can be applied with the fingers for a touch of fun. Want to have a lavender tint in a couple places. That's the latest craziness skipping inside my brain.
My hair stylist asked my favorite music. Told her it was classical piano. With her phone, she turned on soothingly delicious piano. Now, how thoughtful was that!
Written on Wednesday: Woke up to a titch more snow, 'nuf to cover the parking lot, sidewalks and lawns. In my opinion, snow disguises the world with its whiteness.....the world's violence and disrespect is anything but pure.
Today's agenda is much like yesterday's. The slate is clean and open for me to watch the Florida sentencing hearing. Looking back, I felt the luckiest girl in the world to being able to watch an hour of Perry Mason on a black and white television. Now, I sit with my laptop watching an entire trial as it's happening in another part of the U.S.. What an amazing journey my life has been, and I'm filled with gratitude to have experienced the changes.
Cuddy is still at our house, haven't heard anything from his other custody keepers. He's my baby-bubba. At 3 a.m. he wanted off the bed, was thirsty, and then got into his little puppy bed. I accommodated his wishes and covered myself with a blanket and slept till morning with him in the living area. The little guy isn't quite used to going potty in the snow, but he's a dear soul that never puts up a fuss.
Finished reading Plato's Dialogues. A pretty heavy read, for sure. Like with every book, the reader learns something new and stretches the scope of knowledge. The thought of leaving my beloved favorite books behind one day kills me, knowing they'll more than likely be tossed in a dumpster. Best not to think about stuff that hurts.
Best get to my cuppa. Till the morrow, ta-ta.
Friday, November 11, 2022
Yesterday Venny friends included us in a daycation of lunch and shopping. Their treat celebrating the boyfriend's birthday. Couldn't help remembering his 40th birthday and the foot of snow that basically destroyed the surprise party that I'd planned for months prior. That was one of many life events that taught me someone other than me was in control of what happens and what's gonna happen. Lessons like that help us learn life the hard way.
Hadn't been in a grocery store for a long time, so bought some things at Sam's Club, Aldi's and Woodsman's. Bought stuff that the local stores don't have on their shelves, like a tin box of Italian cookies for the holidays. Everything and anything Italian rates high in my book of favorites.
Rained a bit while we were out and about, but the temp was still warm then. Later in the afternoon the cold set in. Had a fun time, with laughs, delicious buffet lunch and safe travels. Think I watch too many real-life videos of law enforcement highway stops that find drugs and drugged drivers that are on the highways. Am always happy to get home without incident. Lots of drivers are found with cocaine, heroine, weed and paraphernalia inside their vehicles.
Any and all things related to law and its enforcement draw me to them like a magnet. Guess where a person spends their life is likely to do that.
..........The doorbell rang. A Venny friend hand-delivered two pieces of divine peach dessert with whipped cream for dessert tonight.
The boyfriend brought up a surprise for our kitchen. Made a cutting board to replace the plastic one we've been using. I had no idea he was making it, and it will join the other pieces he's made for our home. Don't know what it is about cutting boards, but I just love 'em. Months back bought a marble board that I use to roll dough on and as an appetizer serving tray. That one is too precious to use for everyday cutting of vegetables. Kinda silly how a person elevates our possessions to levels of hierarchy.
Dale spent the afternoon in the workshop putting stain on two name plates he carved for a gal out here. She's flying to Florida for Thanksgiving and wants to take them along with her.
Our close friends who live here are leaving for Arizona this Thursday and will be gone until spring. They're driving, so we'll stay behind and pray for their safe travels.
It's time once again to write my newsletter article and am having a rough time deciding on a topic. Should probably be something related to Thanksgiving, but I like to throw the cards in the air and come up with something other than the expected. Think we all need pizazz sprinkled on our paths.
All else is pretty much as usual. Till the morrow, ta-ta.
Monday, November 7, 2022
Absolutely no idea what to write about today. Woke up to a bright sunny Monday.
Received photos and videos of Carlsbad Cavern from Cuddy's parents. Brought back ever-so fond memories of when we were there. Remember I'd just bought a brand new pair of boots in Texas and wore them for the hike down into the cave. Thank heaven there was an elevator to bring us back up. Such an amazing place.
It's been a nice, quiet day here. Meatloaf and baked potatoes are in the oven. It's 4:45 p.m. and already darkness is creeping in.
Tomorrow is the day we vote.
Friday, November 4, 2022
Contrary to yesterday's daybreak, today is overcast. A stillness gives the impression that life has ceased, but then a sweet sparrow flies by.
Neglected to put Systane eye ointment in both eyes last night, and today they feel very dry and gritty. Difficult to see the screen and read the words on the page. The good part is that I've discovered the trick to my eye problems. The tiny tube of nighttime eye ointment is quite pricey, but now I know why.
Today my heart is light and happy, thinking of yesterday's celebration of Thanksgiving with friends. The perfect menu of turkey, ham, real mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberries, rolls, pecan pie and pumpkin cream cheese pie. The main ingredient, however, was the genuine friendship that encircled the table and its autumnal setting.
Today the boyfriend is heading to the grocery store to replenish the cupboard. Me and my fuzzy love bug are staying home, cuddling in on this gloomy day. It's gloomy to sight, but not to the heart. Days when the clouds hang heavy are days of reflection for me. My mind and body surrender to the calm and the quiet. The walkers are indoors, except for when they walk their pets. Looks very much like snowflakes could fall.
Received an email last evening asking if I'd be interested in making more comfort crosses for the residents of the rest home. When Covid closed the rest homes and the residents were quarantined, I stopped making the crosses. I'm very pleased to have been asked to resume my project, and more pleased with the recognition of how much comfort my crosses bring to those who are nearing the end. To me, that's a critical part of the life journey. When babies are about to be born, there's anticipation and gender reveal parties. Not so when the door to life is closing. My heart bleeds for those forgotten souls whose passing will make no ripple in another's life.
Think maybe I'll choose to watch a movie while the other half is shopping. Right now the fuzzy one is laying by me in the recliner, snuggled beneath his daddy's t-shirt. It's sort of his security blanket. It's sweet when he puts his head on the shirt and goes to sleep.
It's once again Friday, and Sunday, the 6th, we set our clocks back an hour. It's funny how we humans try to control things. This time stuff is so silly, cuz the only thing that actually changes is the clock.Thursday, November 3, 2022
It's 8 o'clock as my fingers hit the keys this morning.......a glorious break of day awaited me.
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Photo taken from our balcony |
Honestly, this had to be the most dramatic courtroom behavior I've ever seen. One of the defense lawyers flipped the bird on the judge. The judge was so strong in her demeanor so as not to give the defense an excuse for a mistrial. For those of us who thrive on courtroom drama in the movies and books, this real-life circus should have had an admittance fee.
Well, Mabel is blossoming.
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Dark pink blossom lower front |
Today is a special day for us. First, Cuddy returns at 9 a.m. with his suitcase for another 2-week vacation at his private resort. I absolutely cannot wait for my cuddly little Cuddy to be returned to our custody. Our home isn't complete without him.
At 1 o'clock we're invited to a Friendsgiving dinner hosted by our friends' daughter, who's home from out east. Our friends live down the hall from us. Have been reading about this newly named holiday---Friendsgiving---growing in popularity. We are honored to have received this invitation. Our friends will be leaving for Arizona in a couple of weeks. It's funny how a person is content when everyone is tucked away in their homes, and when they leave there's a definite void. The older I've gotten the more I've turned into a homing pigeon.
While I've been away from the keys, I've been updated on my estranged family's situation. Personally don't care for the word 'estranged,`' but its definition applies: "having lost former closeness and affection: in a state of alienation from a previous close or familial relationship." I make note of this only for the purpose of my blogs being published into a book that records my life, day to day.
This is the month where we are given a holiday to stop to say thank you for all the goodness we receive. That's not an annual event for me, but rather daily. Never does my head hit the pillow without a thank you to My Creator. I thank My Creator for the good, the bad and the ugly, because everything does make sense in the end. That's why my personal life philosophy includes a Divine Plan. It's my opinion that our free will is part of that plan. Each of our worlds opens up like a lotus flower as the years go by. Despite all the pain, looking backward I choose to remember and focus on only the good. And, there's been tons and tons of good. It's just that the bad and the ugly hurt so much, they make dents that magnify their importance.
Best get going here, cuz the little fuzz bucket will soon be arriving. Want to get his water bowl out and fill it with cold water. He's a drinker, you know. His Heart Guard and flea and tick meds were left here last time and he takes them the first of each month. I put them on the table so I can give them to him this morning.
It's good to be back. Until the morrow, ta-ta.
Saturday, October 29, 2022
What a beautiful morning! Mabel and Zebrina are soaking up the sunshine, as are the jeweled suncatchers hanging on the patio door. Rainbows and polka dots situate themselves on the walls and furniture.
Yesterday was one of my domestic days. Part of the G-clan came over for pizza before a local college scrimmage, so I put together a Halloween veggie pizza. The boyfriend snapped a couple photos of me designing the spiders out of large black olives......
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Up earlier than necessary, according to the world of lazy people. Migod, how good it feels to turn over, snuggle the face in the pillow and fall back asleep. Had my phone alarm set for 7 and forced myself to get up and forget about the snooze portion of the wake-up call. My phone alarm sounds like a harp. Despite the fact that I love the harp as an instrument, somehow the sound bugs me. Have tried to change sound in Settings, but can't get it to work. That's a job for that day when there's absolutely nothing else on earth to do.
Yup, we're being treated to lunch. The sun is rising, so the day will be ideal for a trolley and a treat. The boyfriend asked me to play barber and cut his hair before we go, so after my first cuppa, we'll do that. Told him he'd best wait until the coffee wakes me up, or he may lose an ear.
I used to cut my mother's hair and enjoyed it. For quite a few years I actually cut my own hair, the front, the sides and the back. Don't think that would be possible today. Why would I, when the salon is only a few doors down from us.
Have been watching billiard videos, getting myself back into the game. Can't wait for my pool case to arrive. Am glad I ordered that, simply to protect the cue. Chose the cue by myself, and the boyfriend is quite impressed with my choice. That makes me happy.
Found another word game that's just like Wordle, only called Hurdle. Here's the website if you're interested:
Every day my brain is tested by word games. Being I love words, why not play games that are most fun. Never do I pay to play online games, but rather choose the ones that can be played for free. Imagine that.
Best toddle off, get my clippers out, and see if I can lower the boyfriend's ears. Maybe I should have a Bloody Mary first and see how things go. Just kidding.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Opened a new container of blueberries. Noticed they're "The Berries that Care." Googled 'em and found they come from Peru. The blueberries this fall have been the best. My salads taste better with a handful of 'em sprinkled on top. They're sweet, colorful and nutritious.
Am eating mostly with chopsticks, having taught myself how to work them. After a while, a person simply catches on. Sometimes the boyfriend smarts off and asks if I'm going to use my sticks to eat soup!
To be perfectly honest, I really do like Chinese cuisine. But, am not into sushi. We both enjoy foods prepared at a Mongolian Grill. Vegetables and fruits have always been favorites. Think that's because my daddy was a gardener, and his favorite everyday dessert was a sauce dish of preserved fruit. Don't know of anyone who ate healthier and lived a more earthly life than he did.....yet, he passed away at 71 from cancer. Guess genes are what ultimately determine our destiny. Hard to imagine I've lived five years longer than he did.
Well, am now the happy owner of my very own 2-piece 52" Champion pool cue. The case has not yet arrived. OMG, talk about a sweet cue. The boyfriend's phone rang a few minutes ago and one of his Venny buddies called asking him to join him in a game of pool. He asked if he could use my new cue, and I told him 'absolutely not.' He burst out laughing, knowing full well that would get my attention, and that would be my answer. He's a constant tease.
When I play pool, it's only for fun, not competition. Think it's neat that we got a brand new table.
It's cloudy again today. Got a text a few minutes ago from Cuddy's mom. They're picking us up tomorrow at 11 and taking us for a drive and for lunch. Will be so fun to visit and spend time with them and hear more about their travels.
Until the morrow.......
Monday, October 24, 2022
Up early, made coffee, turned on lights and snuggled with my book in the recliner. No rainbows dancing on our walls today, tis cloudy with light rain.
Boyfriend has a council meeting at 1 this afternoon. He missed the last one, cuz we thought it was to start at 10, but started at 9. I'm the one who keeps the online calendar, so I'd say we can chalk up another one on my naughty list. Was funny how one of the other council members emailed him this morning with a reminder that today's meeting is at 1.
Got quite windy last evening, so brought in our ceramic pumpkin and the gnomes. Didn't want 'em blowing over and breaking.
A new prime minister has been elected in the UK. Is this the first time a man with Indian roots has been elected as prime minister of the UK? Interesting, indeed.
My intense interest in philosophy is being fed by Sophie's World. I was never able to keep the three classical philosophers straight. Who came first? Well, now through word association I have a way to remember. SPA. First came Socrates, then Plato, and then Aristotle.
Each day I try to do one tiny task to tidy, and today is to wash all of my crocheted potholders that live in the kitchen drawer next to the stove. We use them also as trivets. They're practically indestructible. Maybe I should get back to crocheting and make a few sets to give away. Plus, it'll give me a chance to use up some of my scant yarn supply. There was a time when I could've filled a semi with my yarn and yarn remnants, but no more. The thrift store became my beneficiary when we moved. When Covid hit, that put a halt to my making comfort crosses for the rest home. Life is like a flowing river, constantly changing. It's such a blessing to finally reach the point where a person can just kick back and go with the flow.
The lights went out for a bit last night during the storm. Our cable network went down, as well. Without Wi-Fi, we're lost. The boyfriend worked sudoku puzzles, and I read my book. The lights simply went out for a few seconds and then came back on. To think, there was a time in history when homes had only candles to light the darkness. Are we blessed, or what?
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Cuddy's daddy arrived at 5 yesterday afternoon, and I had gazillions of questions about their two recent adventures to D.C. and NYC. I love listening to others tell about their experiences out in the world. The difficult part was lifting Cuddy off the floor and giving him my bye-bye hug and smooch. Nice part is they have two more trips planned before Christmas, one to Texas and another to Florida. Then spending January, February and March in Florida. Yup, the fuzzy one will be returning for our part of the parental custody. Last night, after he left, our home felt his absence. Both of us kept looking over to where he usually cuddled in for the evening, and he wasn't there. Ouch!
Slept later, cuz Cuddy didn't have to go outside. Looked at the microwave clock, and guess what time it was. Yup, 11:11. The eerie numbers continue every day, it's the craziest thing. Now am sipping the first cuppa, looking out on a sunny Sunday. Looks like a big storm is coming in from Canada, currently in Montana and Wyoming. Inside my head, personal wishes are swimming like dolphins, hoping for a massive snowstorm that would paint our world white again.Hope no one is throwing darts at me for saying that, but I am making the absolute most out of this stage of life. Now that we don't have to deal with snow removal, commuting to a job, or any of the other stuff, there's nothing we like better than looking out the window and watching the snow falling from the sky.
There's a bit of psychology involved here. Those of us who are older MUST make the most of our personal preferences. We can find the things that make us happy, and, despite what others think, feast on them. That's how we can make the aging process bearable. Have no idea if this makes any sense, but so long as I have one more breath left, I'm gonna squeeze the last drop of juice from the Big Orange. If I like snow, then I'm gonna wish for snow. Just because I wish for something doesn't mean it's gonna happen. Half the fun is in the wishing for something to happen.
A lady bug must've come in with me from the deck yesterday. We were visiting when I noticed her crawling up my white sweatshirt. Carefully had her crawl onto my finger and put her back outside. Don't know a lady bug from an Asian beetle anymore, so will simply pretend it was a lady bug. Even bugs confuse me these days.
Ordered Plato's Dialogues on eBay, $3.48, free shipping. As I'm reading Sophie's World, I'm introduced to books that pique my interest. Don't know what I'd do without eBay. It's my favorite mall in the whole wide world. There are bargains out there, but you gotta hunt for them. For me, searching for stuff is half the fun.
The boyfriend gave me a new spoon ring. He found the most gorgeous pattern. Knowing I liked it, he went to the shop and made it for me. This one I just may wear all the time, along with the 1946 silver half dollar ring he made, that replaced my wedding ring. He made a 1945 silver half dollar ring for himself, so now we have matching rings. Only when I have surgery does that ring come off.
Think I'm gonna need another cuppa here. Ta-ta for today.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
A couple minutes ago a text came in that Cuddy's owner will pick him up at 5 o'clock this afternoon. I've been suffering from extremely dry eyes, but right now that's not a problem.
There seems to always be a balance in life. One sad thing happens, and then a happy thing happens. Yup, Mabel, the ancestral Christmas Cactus, is going to blossom. Just like that, tiny pink buds are gracing the tips.
There's nothing on today's agenda. Will most likely sink my brain into the reading of Sophie's World. Cannot believe how an author could come up with a novel design like this one. The book is a novel that beautifully explains the history of philosophy. Starting way back with the natural philosophers, those before Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, the classical philosophers.
Can remember my Mom sort of scolding me as a kid for always asking so many questions. She was of the old school where students were coerced to believe what they were taught, and never to question. Guess somewhere in my genes lived one inquisitive gene, and that one gene made me a free thinker from little on. Nothing ever made sense to me. That's why every day of my life I'm searching for more and more knowledge to better help me get a grip on this inexplicable universe we live in. Like they say, we don't "learn" philosophy, but we learn to think philosophically.
My mom didn't even care to talk about death and dying. If I'd ask a question, or make a statement about it, she'd say, "why do you think about stuff like that?" My little mind wondered, "how can you not think about that?" My studying has given me insight into the human mind and the realization that every one of us has a different set of thinking instruments tucked inside our brains. The way I think does not mean that the next person will think that way. We wonder why people do this or why people do that, but it's not for us to judge. They're doing what their brains are telling them to do. Wish they would have taught us children this in grade school, rather than pump our brains with big words like 'salvation.'
Our world is filled with opposites, and that goes for personalities. Do you know someone who, no matter how hard you try, you do not get along with? Did you know the minute you met the person that there would be a personality clash? I, personally, know this feeling. It's not easy for either one to struggle through any kind of interaction. The worst is when we have to work with oppositional personalities. Egad, that's a penance in itself.
Don't know how I got onto this, but we all know that we aren't all kissing friends. Nope, there has to be chaos in order to know contentment. Without those oppositional forces, we'd never know goodness and kindness. That's why we should try to cherish those who see the world as we do. It's not our job to police others, but rather to focus on our path and how we choose to live our days. That's what I do when it comes to those who have betrayed my friendship or familial ties. I've made gigantic efforts to learn how to disconnect and tend to my own business. Oh, there are those who are still capable of stirring my emotions in a negative way, but I wouldn't give them that much power over me. Never, ever. A person has to develop a heroic stance in life, hold our ground, and keep the ball in our court.
Guess that's enough spouting for one day.