Yesterday Venny friends included us in a daycation of lunch and shopping. Their treat celebrating the boyfriend's birthday. Couldn't help remembering his 40th birthday and the foot of snow that basically destroyed the surprise party that I'd planned for months prior. That was one of many life events that taught me someone other than me was in control of what happens and what's gonna happen. Lessons like that help us learn life the hard way.
Hadn't been in a grocery store for a long time, so bought some things at Sam's Club, Aldi's and Woodsman's. Bought stuff that the local stores don't have on their shelves, like a tin box of Italian cookies for the holidays. Everything and anything Italian rates high in my book of favorites.
Rained a bit while we were out and about, but the temp was still warm then. Later in the afternoon the cold set in. Had a fun time, with laughs, delicious buffet lunch and safe travels. Think I watch too many real-life videos of law enforcement highway stops that find drugs and drugged drivers that are on the highways. Am always happy to get home without incident. Lots of drivers are found with cocaine, heroine, weed and paraphernalia inside their vehicles.
Any and all things related to law and its enforcement draw me to them like a magnet. Guess where a person spends their life is likely to do that.
..........The doorbell rang. A Venny friend hand-delivered two pieces of divine peach dessert with whipped cream for dessert tonight.
The boyfriend brought up a surprise for our kitchen. Made a cutting board to replace the plastic one we've been using. I had no idea he was making it, and it will join the other pieces he's made for our home. Don't know what it is about cutting boards, but I just love 'em. Months back bought a marble board that I use to roll dough on and as an appetizer serving tray. That one is too precious to use for everyday cutting of vegetables. Kinda silly how a person elevates our possessions to levels of hierarchy.
Dale spent the afternoon in the workshop putting stain on two name plates he carved for a gal out here. She's flying to Florida for Thanksgiving and wants to take them along with her.
Our close friends who live here are leaving for Arizona this Thursday and will be gone until spring. They're driving, so we'll stay behind and pray for their safe travels.
It's time once again to write my newsletter article and am having a rough time deciding on a topic. Should probably be something related to Thanksgiving, but I like to throw the cards in the air and come up with something other than the expected. Think we all need pizazz sprinkled on our paths.
All else is pretty much as usual. Till the morrow, ta-ta.