Wednesday, December 7, 2022

We're busy little elves today, putting together tomorrow evening's party supper with friends.  Gonna have a chili bar with toppings of grated cheddar cheese, chopped green onions, chopped ripe olives, sour cream and Fritos.  Already have the blonde brownie baked for the copycat Applebee's dessert.  Tomorrow will make the maple cream sauce that's served warm over the brownie and butter pecan ice cream. 

We like to plan meals that can be prepared ahead of time.  The green onions are chopped, as are the ripe olives, tucked in the fridge in zip-lock baggies.  Don't know what we'd do without little baggies.  We have an area in the kitchen cupboard where all sizes, from snack size to large size, reside.  Our frugal nature has us washing and reusing them.

For appetizers, we're serving a goat cheese log covered with a blueberry glaze, with Wheat Thins.  Also bacon-wrapped water chestnuts.  Those are ready for the oven, but will stay in the outside grill till tomorrow.  We need room in the fridge for other stuff.  The grill makes a nifty extra cold-storage space for times like this.

Our holiday decorating is complete.  We're going by the "less is more" tradition this year.  Have to start thinking about baking goodies to give out to our Venny friends.  It's definitely a share and share alike joint.  We have some marvelous bakers out here that love to bake and share.  Guess that's what this season is all about.  

This morning our world is covered with hoar frost, so wintry.  There might be some rain/snow tomorrow evening.  We watch the weather radar on our I-phones, and that tells us exactly where a storm system is and how fast it's approaching our area.  It's great for those traveling.  

Am getting lots of pictures from Cuddy's parents in Disney World and Epcot.  They're down there for a week taking in the Christmas lights and all the fairytale atmosphere that Disney puts out.  I'm the beneficiary via phone of gorgeous photos taken minutes before me seeing 'em.  Makes me cringe when I think of the day when we took pictures with a camera, had to send the film away, half of 'em fizzled.  Man, the luxuries we have today.  

Well, think I'm gonna have lunch and kick back for a while.  Till the morrow...ta-ta. 


  1. The Mr. washes Baggies, too.
    Bacon-wrapped water chestnuts. Sound delish! Never had one.
    The bar you're planning - mmm! And that dessert? Isn't that the best?
    Two in our fam like the chocolate lava cake. Not me. I'd rather have the blonde brownie as you're serving it with butter pecan ice cream.
    Have fun!

  2. I cut a strip of bacon into thirds. One-third wraps nicely around a water chestnut. Then skewer it with a toothpick. Sprinkle with brown sugar. Bake 350 for about half an hour or until bacon is done. I put tin foil on a cookie sheet, spray Pam on the tin foil to bake. Then they don't stick. We love 'em.

    The jury is still out on the dessert. Will make the maple cream sauce today. Should be at least a five pound dessert!

  3. I have a recipe with pineapple chunks wrapped with bacon. Bake 350 15 mins. or till bacon is done. I thought I had one with dates too but now I can't find it so maybe I dreamt it. I have a huge folder with appetizers when I belonged to a card club. I should go through and toss the ones I will never make. Just clutters up the file. Oh, I also wash zip lock bags and reuse tin foil.

  4. Thanks, Alice, for your comment. I reuse tin foil, too. Your recipe for bacon-wrapped pineapple chunks sounds yummy. Will have to try that, too. My Mom used to stuff dates with marshmallow cream and put a pecan half on top. That was during the holidays. I liked those, too.
