Dear me, a few minutes ago I texted our hostess asking what time to ring their door bell tonight. Yesterday I talked about the importance of my calendar so we know where to be and at what time. And, here I am with a calendar reminding us where to be...but not when. Another glitch in the noggin.
Cuddy will sport a new Christmas sweater for the party. Daddy Dale bought him one at WM yesterday while picking up necessities. We tried it on him, and it fits perfectly. It's a secret, but I ordered Cuddy a little t-shirt to wear around the house this winter. We're giving him the time of his life.
While the boyfriend was gone yesterday, our door bell rang. One of my Venny lady friends had a problem with her I-pad and getting it to connect to her printer. Tried to assist, but instead offered to retype her paper and print it out on my printer. Wouldn't you know it, my printer was low on ink. Got out a new black cartridge and one colored cartridge out, removed the empty cartridges, and put in the new ones. Nada. The printer's message read that the two cartridges were missing. Huh? Double checked and triple checked. New cartridges were installed. Then something clicked in my brain.....I didn't remove the little tapey things from the cartridges before installing them. Yup. Another glitch in the noggin.
All through life we all have daily glitches. It's only now until our later years that our imaginations magnify them. So much hype about the diseases of the mind and the elderly. Naturally the brain is going to wear out like our joints. Whatever happens, happens. All we can do is exercise our minds like we do our muscles and pray for the best. It seems when we get older either our bodies give out first or our minds falter. There are five words that both of us try to live by.......IT IS WHAT IT IS.The little fuzzy one interrupted my sleep last night. Needed a drink of water, but then he walked over to his little bed in the living room and crawled in and cuddled down. So, I took a blanket and slept next to him on the couch. This morning my back feels like I fell off the Golden Gate Bridge and landed on cement. Think the next time he does that I'm gonna pick his little butt up and take him back to bed. My canine parenting skills are subject to scrutiny, trust me. Don't have any idea how a little creature weighing 20 pounds can win over an adult person's heart. They are filled with magic, and Cuddy has his very own wand and definitely knows how to use it.
It's fun having a party to look forward to. I can picture our host and hostess preparing the meal, prettying up their home, and their two little fur children waiting for Cuddy to arrive. Friends are life's most beautiful gifts. Lifetime friendships are solid gold.
Have a good Saturday. It's pretty nippy in our neck of the woods. Ta-ta till the morrow.