Saturday, December 17, 2022

AccuWeather is tracking a large storm with rain, snow and wind ahead of Christmas, along with bone-chilling temps that could be the coldest in decades.  Already our G-clan Christmas has been postponed until January.  Christmas Eve we're having two of our Venny friends over for supper, which has become a tradition.  Thursday we're invited to Cuddy's parents' which is about a mile from Venny.  Looks like this holiday will be wait-and-see what develops.

Stones Covered With Moss Pattern
Am forging ahead with my latest project plan.  Ordered a twin-size bed sheet to start another Kawandi quilt.  The pattern is called Stones Covered with Moss.  I will sew the quilt pieces on the back side so the quilt will be reversible.  My original thought was to make it a king-size, but probably wouldn't live long enough to finish it.  So, the plan is to make a twin and fold it for a bed runner.  The fabric pieces will all be an Up North theme, with bears, cabins, moose, Native American symbols, trees, etc.  

Have concluded that in order to stay sane I must have a large project to work on.  It's the creative spirit that allows the design to nurture itself, one stitch at a time.  The Kawandi, for me and my little corner of the universe, is what suits me best.  

Also have comfort crosses to crochet for the rest home.  Usually donate them in groups of ten, and that's a lot of work to crochet 20 crosses, then sew two together and stuff with polyfill.  

Last night I had my beloved Jack's pizza, but gotta say the last two have disappointed my taste buds.  The crust has changed to being too close to cardboard for comfort.  Told the boyfriend not to bring 'em home anymore.  The one last night was a Canadian bacon, and it was quite pitiful.  

Time to think about lunch.  Ta-ta till the morrow.