Saturday, October 22, 2022


A couple minutes ago a text came in that Cuddy's owner will pick him up at 5 o'clock this afternoon.  I've been suffering from extremely dry eyes, but right now that's not a problem.

There seems to always be a balance in life.  One sad thing happens, and then a happy thing happens.  Yup, Mabel, the ancestral Christmas Cactus, is going to blossom.  Just like that, tiny pink buds are gracing the tips.  

There's nothing on today's agenda.  Will most likely sink my brain into the reading of Sophie's World.  Cannot believe how an author could come up with a novel design like this one.  The book is a novel that beautifully explains the history of philosophy.  Starting way back with the natural philosophers, those before Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, the classical philosophers.  

Can remember my Mom sort of scolding me as a kid for always asking so many questions.  She was of the old school where students were coerced to believe what they were taught, and never to question.  Guess somewhere in my genes lived one inquisitive gene, and that one gene made me a free thinker from little on.  Nothing ever made sense to me.  That's why every day of my life I'm searching for more and more knowledge to better help me get a grip on this inexplicable universe we live in.  Like they say, we don't "learn" philosophy, but we learn to think philosophically.

My mom didn't even care to talk about death and dying.  If I'd ask a question, or make a statement about it, she'd say, "why do you think about stuff like that?"  My little mind wondered, "how can you not think about that?"  My studying has given me insight into the human mind and the realization that every one of us has a different set of thinking instruments tucked inside our brains.  The way I think does not mean that the next person will think that way.  We wonder why people do this or why people do that, but it's not for us to judge.  They're doing what their brains are telling them to do.  Wish they would have taught us children this in grade school, rather than pump our brains with big words like 'salvation.'  

Our world is filled with opposites, and that goes for personalities.  Do you know someone who, no matter how hard you try, you do not get along with?  Did you know the minute you met the person that there would be a personality clash?  I, personally, know this feeling.  It's not easy for either one to struggle through any kind of interaction.  The worst is when we have to work with oppositional personalities.  Egad, that's a penance in itself.

Don't know how I got onto this, but we all know that we aren't all kissing friends.  Nope, there has to be chaos in order to know contentment.  Without those oppositional forces, we'd never know goodness and kindness.  That's why we should try to cherish those who see the world as we do.  It's not our job to police others, but rather to focus on our path and how we choose to live our days.  That's what I do when it comes to those who have betrayed my friendship or familial ties.  I've made gigantic efforts to learn how to disconnect and tend to my own business.  Oh, there are those who are still capable of stirring my emotions in a negative way, but I wouldn't give them that much power over me.  Never, ever.  A person has to develop a heroic stance in life, hold our ground, and keep the ball in our court.  

Guess that's enough spouting for one day.