Opened a new container of blueberries. Noticed they're "The Berries that Care." Googled 'em and found they come from Peru. The blueberries this fall have been the best. My salads taste better with a handful of 'em sprinkled on top. They're sweet, colorful and nutritious.
Am eating mostly with chopsticks, having taught myself how to work them. After a while, a person simply catches on. Sometimes the boyfriend smarts off and asks if I'm going to use my sticks to eat soup!
To be perfectly honest, I really do like Chinese cuisine. But, am not into sushi. We both enjoy foods prepared at a Mongolian Grill. Vegetables and fruits have always been favorites. Think that's because my daddy was a gardener, and his favorite everyday dessert was a sauce dish of preserved fruit. Don't know of anyone who ate healthier and lived a more earthly life than he did.....yet, he passed away at 71 from cancer. Guess genes are what ultimately determine our destiny. Hard to imagine I've lived five years longer than he did.
Well, am now the happy owner of my very own 2-piece 52" Champion pool cue. The case has not yet arrived. OMG, talk about a sweet cue. The boyfriend's phone rang a few minutes ago and one of his Venny buddies called asking him to join him in a game of pool. He asked if he could use my new cue, and I told him 'absolutely not.' He burst out laughing, knowing full well that would get my attention, and that would be my answer. He's a constant tease.
When I play pool, it's only for fun, not competition. Think it's neat that we got a brand new table.
It's cloudy again today. Got a text a few minutes ago from Cuddy's mom. They're picking us up tomorrow at 11 and taking us for a drive and for lunch. Will be so fun to visit and spend time with them and hear more about their travels.
Until the morrow.......