A snowy, hazy, foggy day. Quite perfect for a day of quiet contentment.
Have gotten into the routine of posting later in the day. Seems the hours speed by and before I know it darkness is setting in.
Not a lot going on to share. Haven't heard from Cuddy's parents as to when they'll be returning from their Florida Christmas adventure. If I remember right, tomorrow might be the day Cuddy goes back home for the holidays. Will wait for the text advising the plan.
The boyfriend put together a batch of spaghetti for supper. Can't help but remember years ago when the five of my little nieces called their Gramma's spaghetti....pasgetti. Oh, how the five little girls loved their Gramma's pasgetti.
My Mom, their Gramma, would take the pasgetti out on the lawn of her house yard for a picnic. She spread a blanket on the grass, and the little girls had a party eating her famous pasgetti. Memories warm my heart.
Darkness has set in, the red lights on the deck are lit and ever so festive. It's time to turn today's page and close the book. It's my hope that all my readers are safe and warm. Let's each one make the best of the moment and pray for tomorrow's blessings.