Friday, November 4, 2022

Contrary to yesterday's daybreak, today is overcast.  A stillness gives the impression that life has ceased, but then a sweet sparrow flies by.  

Neglected to put Systane eye ointment in both eyes last night, and today they feel very dry and gritty.  Difficult to see the screen and read the words on the page.  The good part is that I've discovered the trick to my eye problems.  The tiny tube of nighttime eye ointment is quite pricey, but now I know why. 

Today my heart is light and happy, thinking of yesterday's celebration of Thanksgiving with friends.  The perfect menu of turkey, ham, real mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberries, rolls, pecan pie and pumpkin cream cheese pie.  The main ingredient, however, was the genuine friendship that encircled the table and its autumnal setting.  

Today the boyfriend is heading to the grocery store to replenish the cupboard.  Me and my fuzzy love bug are staying home, cuddling in on this gloomy day.  It's gloomy to sight, but not to the heart.  Days when the clouds hang heavy are days of reflection for me.  My mind and body surrender to the calm and the quiet.  The walkers are indoors, except for when they walk their pets.  Looks very much like snowflakes could fall.  

Received an email last evening asking if I'd be interested in making more comfort crosses for the residents of the rest home.  When Covid closed the rest homes and the residents were quarantined, I stopped making the crosses.  I'm very pleased to have been asked to resume my project, and more pleased with the recognition of how much comfort my crosses bring to those who are nearing the end.  To me, that's a critical part of the life journey.  When babies are about to be born, there's anticipation and gender reveal parties.  Not so when the door to life is closing.  My heart bleeds for those forgotten souls whose passing will make no ripple in another's life.

Think maybe I'll choose to watch a movie while the other half is shopping.  Right now the fuzzy one is laying by me in the recliner, snuggled beneath his daddy's t-shirt.  It's sort of his security blanket.  It's sweet when he puts his head on the shirt and goes to sleep.  

It's once again Friday, and Sunday, the 6th, we set our clocks back an hour.  It's funny how we humans try to control things.  This time stuff is so silly, cuz the only thing that actually changes is the clock.  


  1. I'm always affected by the time change and this one means an extra hour of sleep - YES!
    I'm aware the U.S. Senate passed the resolution to keep the East Coast, etal., as if we were in Daylight Savings Time year 'round and the House of Representatives will vote on it later on. I, a minority of one, hope it doesn't pass. I like the Time Change just the way it is.
    (And that's my final answer!) &*^*%@$#%! [Giggle]

  2. And, your final answer is just fine! (giggle)

  3. I was in bed at 9:45 last night (Nov6) woke twice once at 3:33 again. Up at 6:15. Too early but awake and just can't lay in bed. Not a fan of the time change.

  4. Replies
    1. Seeing Angel Number 333 or waking up at 3:33 means that you are gifted. And your soul mission is to develop your abilities and use them to help others. Work with your guardian angels and the Ascended Masters. Pray for their help to allow you the wisdom your need on your spiritual path.

      ( I'd like to think this one is correct some of the other that I've read on 3:33 are rather scary.)
