Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Written on Tuesday:  Woke up this morning to a white covering of snow.  

Last two days have been watching another Florida murder trial.  The jury returned the verdict of guilty of first degree murder after deliberating for only one hour and eleven minutes.  The next phase is the sentencing, with both sides bringing witnesses.  

We inherited a table-top artificial tree, an evergreen for the front door plus several evergreen with pinecone sprays from our Venny neighbor.  Strings of red lights are up on our deck railing.  The Christmas decorations won't go up until after Thanksgiving Day.  I still live by the old-fashioned tradition of honoring each holiday in its own time.  Putting Christmas trees up before Halloween robs Halloween and Thanksgiving of their importance. 

Got my hair chopped off today.  Short pixie.  Asked my stylist if there's something  a person can use to put a little funky color in an old lady's gray hair.  She was quick to say there's Hair Chalk that can be applied with the fingers for a touch of fun.  Want to have a lavender tint in a couple places.  That's the latest craziness skipping inside my brain. 

My hair stylist asked my favorite music.  Told her it was classical piano.  With her phone, she turned on soothingly delicious piano.  Now, how thoughtful was that!

Written on Wednesday:  Woke up to a titch more snow, 'nuf to cover the parking lot, sidewalks and lawns.  In my opinion, snow disguises the world with its whiteness.....the world's violence and disrespect is anything but pure.

Today's agenda is much like yesterday's.  The slate is clean and open for me to watch the Florida sentencing hearing.  Looking back, I felt the luckiest girl in the world to being able to watch an hour of Perry Mason on a black and white television.  Now, I sit with my laptop watching an entire trial as it's happening in another part of the U.S..  What an amazing journey my life has been, and I'm filled with gratitude to have experienced the changes. 

Cuddy is still at our house, haven't heard anything from his other custody keepers.  He's my baby-bubba.  At 3 a.m. he wanted off the bed, was thirsty, and then got into his little puppy bed.  I accommodated his wishes and covered myself with a blanket and slept till morning with him in the living area.  The little guy isn't quite used to going potty in the snow, but he's a dear soul that never puts up a fuss.  

Finished reading Plato's Dialogues.  A pretty heavy read, for sure.  Like with every book, the reader learns something new and stretches the scope of knowledge.  The thought of leaving my beloved favorite books behind one day kills me, knowing they'll more than likely be tossed in a dumpster.  Best not to think about stuff that hurts.  

Best get to my cuppa.  Till the morrow, ta-ta.

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