Friday, November 25, 2022

We celebrated yesterday at one nephew's home, and tomorrow we'll celebrate at the other nephew's home.  How blessed are we!

A table of food fit for a king and queen.  Turkey was deep fried, served alongside a platter of prime rib au jus.  All the trimmings and more.  Thank heaven for elastic, that's all I've gotta say.  They sent leftovers home with us.  

Cuddy spent the day with his gramma and twin aunties.  We had a nice visit with them when we dropped him off and then again when we picked him up.  They sent home with us four squash, which we just love.  The squash isn't a butternut, but looks like a tiny version of it.  Guess they're very sweet tasting.  The twins cut the squash into cubes with raw cranberries, pecans and brown sugar and bake them in a casserole.  Can't wait to fix 'em for the two of us.  A true gesture of giving on Thanksgiving Day.

It's my personal tradition to read The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus after Thanksgiving every year.  It's kinda my way of transitioning from one holiday to the next.  The book was written in 1902 by L. Frank Baum, author of the Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Darkness had set in on our way home yesterday, so we enjoyed Christmas lights and displays that were already in place.  The time of year has arrived when our world lights up, families unite, and an air of peace on earth prevails.  It's a time to be cherished and remembered.

The sun's shining, and my jeweled suncatchers have rainbows scattered on the walls and ceilings.  I'm in my Cuddl Duds sipping coffee, sharing my thoughts with my readers.  Memories of yesterday make me warm and fuzzy inside.  There's nothing on earth that soothes the soul like contentment.  Nothing more do I treasure than The Magical World of Contentment where petty dramas don't exist.  

Gotta share a funny story.  We parked our car in nephew's driveway yesterday.  We waited to put our hearing aids in until we got there.  In the process, we dropped both pairs between the front seats onto the floor.  Well, you know what a tight squeeze it is between the seat and the consul.  It was one of life's unexpected catastrophes that can only be created by two older people in an attempt to better their infirmities.  After a frantic search, all four aids were found.  That's when my boyfriend looked at his nephew and said the funniest thing......."If I happen to die, don't feel bad!"  It was a joke, but I knew exactly how he felt.  It was the kind of statement that screamed of the struggle that accompanies old age.  When we got in the house and I put my aids in my ears, I proceeded to adjust them with the app on my phone.  For whatever reason, they wouldn't connect, so I couldn't turn up the volume.  Don't know how many times I had to ask others to repeat themselves.  I cringe at what lies ahead.

Can imagine how busy the stores are today, with it being Black Friday.  We no longer exchange gifts, but rather share meals or homemade treats with neighbors.  Kids nowadays prefer gift cards, which, to my way of thinking, just doesn't have the personal touch of giving, but more like fulfilling an obligation to give something.    I have to remind myself that it's a new era, everything changes from generation to generation, the old ways are replaced with the new.  We can, however, always claim rightful ownership to our era. 

Stay safe and enjoy the leftovers.  To me, leftovers help me relive the blessing of the main meal, those who sat around the table with me, and the joy of spending a day with children who will claim this as their time.  We all eventually pass the torch on and relinquish our hold.  It is what it is.