Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Tis a good day for us, 'cuz the little fuzzy one returned.  He'd been to the spa for grooming, so he's set for the holidays.  We're anxious to have him with us in our little celebrations this month.    

Just read that the 2023 forever postage stamp is going from 60 to 63 cents.  Can remember sitting by the kitchen table writing over 100 Christmas cards and holiday letters.  In 1967, the year we got married, the cost of a first class stamp was 5 cents.  In 1968, the price went up to 6 cents.  To mail 100 Christmas cards in 1967 cost $5.00.  To send 100 Christmas cards today with postage still at 60 cents would cost $60.  

My plan was to decorate the entry to our unit today, but didn't get around to it.  A sweet girl brought us a gorgeous Christmas wreath she fashioned from real evergreen decorated with pine cones from Colorado.  It looks beautiful on our deck railing.

The Spirit of the Season