Saturday, November 26, 2022

The fuzzy one returned to his home last evening.  His daddy joined us for a couple of sips and chili supper.  This morning there's a void in our home the size of an elephant, left by a 20-pound Bichon.  Best part is he's returning this coming Thursday for another 10-day stay.  

We're off to Winona today for Thanksgiving dinner number two.  The weather is ideal for a trolley to the north.  Snow is in next week's forecast, but time will reveal the accuracy of that prediction.  

Yesterday afternoon Cuddy and I cuddled in for a long afternoon nap.  Family drama sets the stage for my mental fatigue.  It's amazing how one's body knows when it's time to shut itself down.  Kind of like a battery that needs recharging.

Today's post will be short, nothing newsworthy to write about.  Tis time to shower and get dressed.  It's a 1-1/2 hour drive, and the car needs gas before we embark.  We take a route with some curvy, but scenic, roads.  Will be a fine outing for us.