Wednesday, October 26, 2022


Up earlier than necessary, according to the world of lazy people.  Migod, how good it feels to turn over, snuggle the face in the pillow and fall back asleep.  Had my phone alarm set for 7 and forced myself to get up and forget about the snooze portion of the wake-up call.  My phone alarm sounds like a harp.  Despite the fact that I love the harp as an instrument, somehow the sound bugs me.  Have tried to change sound in Settings, but can't get it to work.  That's a job for that day when there's absolutely nothing else on earth to do.

Yup, we're being treated to lunch.  The sun is rising, so the day will be ideal for a trolley and a treat.  The boyfriend asked me to play barber and cut his hair before we go, so after my first cuppa, we'll do that.  Told him he'd best wait until the coffee wakes me up, or he may lose an ear.

I used to cut my mother's hair and enjoyed it.  For quite a few years I actually cut my own hair, the front, the sides and the back.  Don't think that would be possible today.  Why would I, when the salon is only a few doors down from us.  

Have been watching billiard videos, getting myself back into the game.  Can't wait for my pool case to arrive.  Am glad I ordered that, simply to protect the cue.  Chose the cue by myself, and the boyfriend is quite impressed with my choice.  That makes me happy.  

Found another word game that's just like Wordle, only called Hurdle.  Here's the website if you're interested: 

Every day my brain is tested by word games.  Being I love words, why not play games that are most fun.  Never do I pay to play online games, but rather choose the ones that can be played for free.  Imagine that.

Best toddle off, get my clippers out, and see if I can lower the boyfriend's ears.  Maybe I should have a Bloody Mary first and see how things go.  Just kidding.