Friday, December 2, 2022

Another week draws to a close.  Now that we're retired, it seems it's always Friday.  Polar opposite of when we were chained to our jobs.  Seemed then time crept slowly and was forever until Friday.   Life was very structured, and we obeyed the alarm clock like it was a drill sergeant screaming in our ears.  One of my beloved late-life blessings is cuddling down for more sleep.  The little things now are big things.

Tomorrow we're invited to be with our dear friends, gathering for a holiday party.  Cuddy is anxious to go along to see his little fur-friends, Chi-Bear and Yuki.  Both are very welcoming to Cuddy, and that makes our little guy feel special.  The six of us who'll be together are dog lovers.  Will be a fun time for sure.

Guess late last night or early morning there was a shooting in our town outside a bar.  Lordie almighty, it's like the wild west out there.  It's one thing to read about shootings and killings and violence in other places, but when it's in one's home town....well, that's a whole different story.  

My "to-do" list keeps growing, and that's cuz of my inability to keep my nose out of a good book.  I'm hooked on books like addicts to cocaine and heroin.  Have been learning about the synthetic opioid fentanyl.  Didn't realize it's 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin.  Also found some scary statistics, i.e.:  138.543 million (or 50%) of people aged 12 and over have illicitly used drugs in their lifetime.  138.522 million Americans 12 and over drink alcohol.  Scary.  Guess I'm fortunate to admit to being a procrastinator rather than a drug user.  

Hopefully today I shall be able to check off a couple of tasks from my list.  Don't know how we could survive if I didn't keep a calendar on my Chromebook.  We're beyond functioning with post-it reminders.  We're at the phase where we need to pull up a monthly calendar that shows us where we need to be and the time.  The Google calendar is very user friendly and serves as our North Star.

Best get moving at my turtle pace.  The cuppa is yummy, it's just nice to be able to sit back and not have to hurry.  Think I've finished that chapter.  Isn't it fascinating how, one by one, we change our ways and merge into another lane on life's highway.  Let the young exceed the speed limit....I'll be in the creeper lane content to watch 'em buzz on by.  Maybe it's a sign of fulfillment....who knows.