Sunday evening darkness has set in. We spent the day doing absolutely zilch. Have stayed in my Cuddl Duds for that extra cozy feel. Thought I'd drop by and leave a few words. Nothing noteworthy is going on over my way.
Tis the opportune time to reflect how the week of Christmas was spent in our younger years. Oh, what a flurry. We both worked, took one evening to do our Christmas present shopping, and hurried our way to the last minute on Christmas Eve when we joined family for the festivities.
Now, here we are, in a whole new lifestyle that caters to those who have seen the most summers. There is no more hurriedness and no more shopping. Our friend-to-friend gifts might be something freshly baked and hand-delivered. Other than the G-clan, we're pretty much forgotten. Maybe that's why we cherish our friends and those special family members who find it in their hearts to hold onto uncle and auntie.
Have been surfing Pinterest looking for a dessert to fix for Christmas Eve. Want to serve something special. We've decided on Swiss Steak, gravy, mashed potatoes, our guests are bringing dressing, a cranberry-mandarin orange and walnut salad. The Eve of Christmas has always been the time of the 'big' celebration, and years ago we managed to do both families in one evening. We'd start at my parents' house for supper, then open presents. Then go to the G-clan, open presents, have lunch, and then head for Midnight Mass.
Christmas Day will be just the two of us by design. We're gonna make a bunch of our favorite snacky foods and munch all day. I asked my boyfriend to buy Ballatore Gran Spumante for sipping along with the appetizers. Venny isn't having a Christmas dinner this year. Cuddy will arrive on Christmas Day, so we want to be home when baby bubba comes to our door.
Weather forecast still calling for frigid temperatures this week. Stay warm and safe.