Thursday, December 8, 2022


 Sun's shining, but later on the weather may get iffy, and tomorrow we should get maybe a mixture of rain/snow.  Time will tell.  Just so long as our two guests can make it here and return home safely.  Safety is always of the essence.

Final touches on the meal, setting a table, which is always fun.  I'm making fruit kabobs with grapes, banana, strawberry and marshmallow.  The bananas are the trickiest.  Will have to put them in Real Lemon Juice so they don't turn brown.  They will serve as the salad portion of our supper.  Simple.

Guess I'm known for making holiday favors like these kabobs.  Have been doing it now for over 50 years.  Pinterest is a wonderful source of new ideas.  One of my go-to websites for sure.

The G-clan has asked me to be in charge of a silly gift exchange for our Christmas together.  Think I'm going to give everyone an elf-name.  Pinterest offers a variety of names according to first name and birth month.  Silly is fun.  Our world needs to be more silly and less serious.  Any way I can sneak in a little silliness now and then, well, that's what I'm gonna do.  

Christmas is said to be a lonely time.  Remembering the past and how things used to hard for all of us.  That's why it's critical that we find ways to shine the light on new traditions, because someday they will bring back nice memories for someone else.  That's how I look at it.  

We have some of the most wonderful memories of Christmases past, but we know they are gone and will never be again.  That's why we've gotta keep going forward and not linger too long in the past.  That's what I try to do.  Family dynamics change constantly, people change, and society changes.  Nothing can stay the same, nor do we want it to.  Who knows, maybe something absolutely spectacular is around the corner waiting for us.  It takes a positive attitude in a negative world to fill our thimble with peace and joy.
