Sunday, October 23, 2022


Cuddy's daddy arrived at 5 yesterday afternoon, and I had gazillions of questions about their two recent adventures to D.C. and NYC.  I love listening to others tell about their experiences out in the world.  The difficult part was lifting Cuddy off the floor and giving him my bye-bye hug and smooch.  Nice part is they have two more trips planned before Christmas, one to Texas and another to Florida.  Then spending January, February and March in Florida.  Yup, the fuzzy one will be returning for our part of the parental custody.  Last night, after he left, our home felt his absence.  Both of us kept looking over to where he usually cuddled in for the evening, and he wasn't there.  Ouch!

Slept later, cuz Cuddy didn't have to go outside.  Looked at the microwave clock, and guess what time it was.  Yup, 11:11.  The eerie numbers continue every day, it's the craziest thing.  Now am sipping the first cuppa, looking out on a sunny Sunday.  Looks like a big storm is coming in from Canada, currently in Montana and Wyoming.  Inside my head, personal wishes are swimming like dolphins, hoping for a massive snowstorm that would paint our world white again.  

Hope no one is throwing darts at me for saying that, but I am making the absolute most out of this stage of life.  Now that we don't have to deal with snow removal, commuting to a job, or any of the other stuff, there's nothing we like better than looking out the window and watching the snow falling from the sky.

There's a bit of psychology involved here.  Those of us who are older MUST make the most of our personal preferences.  We can find the things that make us happy, and, despite what others think, feast on them.  That's how we can make the aging process bearable.  Have no idea if this makes any sense, but so long as I have one more breath left, I'm gonna squeeze the last drop of juice from the Big Orange.  If I like snow, then I'm gonna wish for snow.  Just because I wish for something doesn't mean it's gonna happen.  Half the fun is in the wishing for something to happen.

A lady bug must've come in with me from the deck yesterday.  We were visiting when I noticed her crawling up my white sweatshirt.  Carefully had her crawl onto my finger and put her back outside.  Don't know a lady bug from an Asian beetle anymore, so will simply pretend it was a lady bug.  Even bugs confuse me these days.

Ordered Plato's Dialogues on eBay, $3.48, free shipping.  As I'm reading Sophie's World, I'm introduced to books that pique my interest.  Don't know what I'd do without eBay.  It's my favorite mall in the whole wide world.  There are bargains out there, but you gotta hunt for them.  For me, searching for stuff is half the fun.  

The boyfriend gave me a new spoon ring.  He found the most gorgeous pattern.  Knowing I liked it, he went to the shop and made it for me.  This one I just may wear all the time, along with the 1946 silver half dollar ring he made, that replaced my wedding ring.  He made a 1945 silver half dollar ring for himself, so now we have matching rings.  Only when I have surgery does that ring come off.  

Think I'm gonna need another cuppa here.  Ta-ta for today.