Sunday, November 27, 2022


A safe trolley home after a delightful day spent with the boyfriend's family.  Have one little great-niece that loves to cuddle beside me, and that warms my heart beyond words.  Turkey was served with all the traditional side dishes.

Dessert was an over-the-moon pumpkin pie made with a graham cracker crust topped with pecans and caramel sauce, topped with pumpkin pie and whipped cream.  Lord knows, I could've easily taken a second piece, but my manners meter told me to stay within the boundaries.  As I sip this morning's cuppa, I can only imagine how a piece of that pie would taste right now.

On our way, we stopped at a thrift store in a southern Minnesota town and were greeted with the words, "Everything's half price today!"  Found three books and a picture that I instantly knew had to be mine, 'specially when I read the words "Grant me the wisdom."   We got money back from a $5 bill.  It's been awhile since I've been in a thrift store, so it was a fun break on our journey northward.  Could've bought more things, but my possession meter curbed more purchases.

Today this framed picture replaces another in the master bedroom.  The one that came down from the wall is going to our local thrift store to be passed on to another owner.  That's how I roll these days.  Buy one thing, get rid of one thing.  That maintains a nice balance, and that way things don't start owning us.  

Tomorrow we're going with Cuddy's parents to Applebee's for lunch.  We're looking forward to that.  It's another sweet little holiday celebration.  We treasure each invitation to be with our friends, and that's how our holiday season is celebrated.  We're invited to join the G-clan for their Christmas on the 23rd of December.  I volunteered to take charge of a silly gift exchange.  With inflation, I'm thinking the dollar limit will have to go to $1.25 this year.  Now I have to think of some fun idea on what the gifts will be.  Guess I have a reputation for dreaming up fun ways of exchanging gifts, because my volunteering was quickly made into reality.  

Weather today is gorgeous for this time of year.  Yesterday we did see some small patches of snow that haven't yet melted, but for the most part the snow's gone.  

Just realized that I have an eye appointment tomorrow at 1 o'clock that's gonna have to be postponed cuz of our Applebee's date.  This is a 6-week appointment, and that makes me realize how fast these last six weeks have gone.  In that amount of time we'll have to remember to write 2023, rather than 2022.  Boy, when a person thinks we were born in the 1940s, the calendar year feels daunting.  

Leftovers are still in the fridge, so neither of us will need to cook today.  Makes me wonder what life was like before the microwave.  Reheating food is easy-peasy.  Wonder what my beloved Gramma would think of me and my microwave, when all she had was a wood stove.  Advancements have made life much easier for us, and for the progress I'm grateful.  

Till the morrow.......