Thursday, November 17, 2022

We're up early cuz my little baby bubba wanted to get up.  The boys took their morning outing, and now we're up and bubba is asleep in his bed.  Gotta love it!  

Snow falls lightly as I type this.  For us, it's the perfect ambiance for a Cuddl Dud Day.  The snow is lightly accumulating on the deck, making my Adirondack chair look like something left behind from another era.  That's as fast as the seasons change.  It's totally winter.

The boyfriend went downtown for groceries yesterday and brought back Kwik Star chicken for supper.  Eight pieces for $10.  Store-bought french fries went in the oven on a cookie sheet.  Delish and simple....simply delish.

Think we must be getting old, cuz homemade soup is becoming more and more appealing.  When we were kids, about the only soups we had were chicken noodle, vegetable or ham and bean.  Nowadays Pinterest has oodles of fun recipes for us to try.  Got a recipe for cheeseburger soup that's supposed to be really good, but haven't made it.  Now that winter's here, soups will be on the supper menu.

Cuddy's primary caretakers called last evening, and we agreed that our custody will extend now beyond Thanksgiving.  On the 28th, weather permitting, they're taking us to Applebee's for lunch.  We're looking forward to that.  I've seen Applebee's ads for some yummy food specials now.  

Today's agenda is open.  Will pay two bills online and that's about it.  Yesterday when watching the sentencing hearing, the defense attorneys bugged me to the point where I stopped watching.  Will see what transpires today.  I ask myself, what are the chances the jury will decide the death penalty for the murder of one person, when another Florida jury just decided life without parole for the school shooter who murdered 17 and injured 17. 

For Sharon
In case Sharon is reading this.......hope you have a happy birthday today.  Please tell my "little radish" that I'm sending him a cuddle hug and will meet him down by the radish patch later!!!!!!!  (giggling)

Ta-ta till the morrow. 



  1. Yesterday: Autumn. Today: Winter
    The warm waters of all the Great Lakes met with the cold land and squalls form. Lake Effect Snows blow easterly and we're due to receive 7"-14".
    Soups are a favorite here. Many homemade ones are put together in our kitchen. Rarely does a can get opened unless it's tomato to which heavy cream is added instead of milk or water. We like it creamier. Topping the Favorite List is Butternut Squash with heavy cream, diced peppers and a few crumbles of fried bacon for garnish and homemade Potato with ham and carrots. Thickened and hearty. Soups are a meal in themselves.

  2. Oh, honey, we're watching the news, and they just said there's a possibility of 5 feet of snow for Buffalo by Sunday. Please know we're thinking about you. Be safe.

  3. I love soup, didn't when I was a kid. I love that cheeseburger soup, make it a lot. I have a whole folder of soups. Cooking up applesauce, a friend had a tree that was loaded with beautiful, wonderful apples and they shared. I even canned some which I never can anything but ran out of freezer space. I have never tried Kwik Star's chicken. Buffalo is getting hammered. What would we do if we got all that snow?

  4. Wondering about the snowfall. Seeing photos on the evening news of NYs snow.

  5. Parts of the Buffalo area has 6' as of today (Saturday morn) and Watertown has 57". Natural Bridge got over 70".
    We're reconsidering Thanksgiving, although I've been reassured it will be cleaned up by then.
