Sunday, November 20, 2022

The little white cherub wanted off the bed at 4:30 this morning.  Like an obedient caretaker, I put him on the floor, and from there proceeded to the couch.  At 6:30, he insisted on taking a walk with the other in-house caretaker.  I turned over, covered my head with a blanket and slept till 9:30 when the little white cherub insisted my sleep time was over.  Might the roles be reversed here?  Absolutely.  I just don't wear a collar and have visible leash!

The doorbell rang yesterday afternoon, and our next-door neighbor gifted us with a poinsettia plant.  Awwww........  Tis time for the pretty red flowers to adorn our world.  It would be a challenge to see if I could keep the poinsettia plant alive until next Christmas.  Never had the urge to do that before, but instead tossed the plants when time took away their beauty.

The sun is shining on Mabel and Zebrina.  I love how our home faces the east, and the girls can absorb the sun's penetrating sustenance.  We watch the sun come up and rainbows appear after a rain.  A couple years back I stood on our balcony and took a photo of my neighbor standing on her balcony taking a photo of a double rainbow.  

Watched a few high profile interrogations on YT yesterday.  Also live camera recordings of law enforcement stopping vehicles and pressing charges.  Boggles the mind how people try to lie their way out of a traffic stop.  Even in the interrogation room, the detectives are skilled at knowing when they are hearing the truth and when they're not.  It can take hours and hours before the bad guys crack and admit the truth.  Then there are those who never do.  It's interesting how people with titles and a string of letters after their name think they're above the law and belong to a category of non-accountability.  Arrogance is the sin of superiority, so it is said.

The sky is blue with a couple light fuzzy clouds passing through the sky that's visible through our window.  Who ever would've guessed that life would slow down to where I could watch the clouds and not feel guilty for pressing the pause button.  

Ta-ta til the morrow.  Stay warm and safe.  Don't forget to look up and see the movable feast that's passing by in the sky!