Wednesday, May 1, 2024


There's an English saying from the 1700s , "Ne'er cast a clout till May is out."  It means that people should not put away their winter clothes, or woolies, until the end of May.  The word clout is an Old English word that means clothing. 

The Scottish equivalent to that phrase is "Ne'er cast a cloot till May is oot."   Scots use the oo sound instead of the ow sound.   Their about sounds like abootTrousers would be troosers.  Cow would be coo.

One of the favorite Scottish sayings is, Whit's fur ye'll no go by ye, meaning what's meant to be will be.

The Scottish slang word tassie means cup.  You would ask for a tassie of tea.

It'll be a skoosh means don't worry or this will be easy.

If someone tells you that yer heid's full o' mince, they're letting you know that what you are saying is making absolutely no sense.

If you hear someone say All his eggs are double-yoakit, it means he's full of rubbish.

Pin yer lugs back:  Lug is the Scots word for ear, so the saying means to listen up and pay attention.

One of the funniest sounding Scottish sayings is, Mony a mickle makes a muckle.  That's an old wise saying that means small savings add up

Cheerio, me laddies and lassies