Thursday, May 16, 2024


Yesterday afternoon I spent crocheting out on the deck.  The day was perfect, and the bright sun had moved to the west enough so as not to be too bright in my eyes.  The boyfriend spent his afternoon in the garden.  

As I sat out there, I watched others live their days.  Neighbors were outdoors putzing with their flowers, and maintenance mowed Venny's lawn.  The fragrance of freshly mowed grass reminded me of daddy cutting hay on the farm.  Freshly mowed hay has an earthy essence that seeps right into one's soul.  That's what it was like for me, sitting and reminiscing.  

I took a picture of the bridal wreath bushes (spirea) that are not yet in full bloom.  Thought they were so pretty, they deserve to be shown in today's post.  One by one, Mother Nature is bringing to life the perennials that announce the time of year.  One of the gals who lives here walked by the bridal wreath bushes.  She reached inside the bush and picked two sprigs of white blossoms.  Would imagine they're in a vase of water bringing her joy this morning.  The flower beds aren't for picking, but I see that as a way for someone living alone to add a bit of life to her unit.  

The bushes will be even prettier when in full bloom.  They, too, wake up memories of the bridal wreath that grew in my maternal gramma's yard.  I often wonder how and why I can remember things about her home and yard, more than I can remember about our own on the farm.  Maybe it testifies to my love for my grandparents.  My cousin, Ricky, and I worked hard at staying overnight there together.  Those were the best of times, and they still bring me giggles by thinking of them.  

Sky is overcast.  Early morning thunder, must've rained a little.  We put up our new hummingbird feeder, and think it just might be taken down and replaced.  One bright orange Oriole few up close, but flew away without stopping to snack.  Venny is like an all-day buffet for hummers, lots of feeders here to choose from.