Sad news about the robin's nest. The last photo Debbie sent me was this one.....
This makes me ponder all the hardships that our fellow creatures must endure during their lifetimes, no different than we humans. I'm not in total agreement with the biblical gift of dominion over all others.We'll keep a watch and hopefully one little birdie will survive. Please keep the daily photos coming, Debbie!
There's a haze in this morning's air. Looks like it could start sprinkling any moment. Last evening we sat out on the deck...the boyfriend worked sudoku puzzles, and I read a book. We stayed out there until shades of darkness settled in. One tiny hummingbird stopped by to take a few sips out of our new feeder. We've missed the little buggers.
We also have grape jelly out to lure the Orioles. Winter has officially been put back in the closet for a few months. It's time now to bring out all things that flourish in the warm sunshine.
Do any of my followers grow an herb garden? I'm thinking about planting a few in a deck planter. I bought chives at the grocery store the other day and figure I could just as easily grow my own. I'm a chive and onion foodie, and most every meal somehow incorporates either. Onions are high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. I've read, too, that they help our immune systems. Ken's Vidalia Onion salad dressing is probably my favorite on salads, or for dipping veggies. We're always buying onions at Kwik Star and keeping them on the counter top in a vegetable bowl I found at a thrift store. We like and use garlic in cooking, as well.
We were gifted with a small Sun Sugar Tomato Plant. We're gonna plant it in a new planter that I ordered that matches the planter my olive tree is planted in. Both will be on the deck. Am going to pamper the tomato plant and hopefully be able to nibble on them like candy. The plan was to once again plant a chocolate tomato plant, but even the Amish don't have them the last couple of years. These Sun Sugar tomatoes are touted to be sweet and very yummy!
My all-time favorite tomato quotation is: "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
Since starting today's post, I received a text message from Debbie. The last robin egg is gone this morning. Guess that ends our nest watch. Can't help but wonder how the momma bird feels after putting so much time and effort into building a nest and laying three eggs. We don't stop to think about all the birds' emotions that flit and fly around us. We know they have feelings by the way they nurture their babies.
Till the morrow.