Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Lots of changes to our everyday world.  50 Red Lobster restaurants are closing across the country.  Aaaah, the memories of special events celebrated there.  Some were with the girls, with friends and, of course, each other.  Their seafood platters were to die for, especially the shrimp scampi and scallops.  Lobster, of course, is the #1 food created by Our Lord, according to me.  (giggles)

Although, I will say that a couple of years ago my meal there was far from up to par.  I didn't complain at the time, because I was with a group of girls.  What I did was save my slip and email my complaint.  Received a $30 certificate for another meal, which we redeemed at a different Red Lobster, and it was fine.  

This morning I logged into my email, to find that the company that prints my blogs into books is going out of business.  My heart fell on the floor.  My brain took over and asked, well, maybe there are other companies that print blogs into books.  I found PixxiBooks, and immediately put in an order for two volumes so all my blogs will be in book form up until yesterday's blog.  

Nothing stays the same, and that's life's way of teaching us how to adapt to the present and let go of the past.  The older we get, the more there is to let go of, so it seems.  We simply must release the energy that's pent up within us when we tightly embrace that which is being outdated.  

Now, I have the anticipation of a new company printing my blogs.  Just maybe it will offer an even better book design.  Either way, I'm grateful to preserve my daily thoughts.  Truly wish I had someone to legally will all my writings to, but at the present there are no readers in my family who would cherish them.  I'm afraid the days of cherishing inanimate objects are also gone.

The boyfriend bought herbs for me to grow on the deck.  Am going to have to learn which is which, cuz right now all I can say is that they're green.  Will wait and see how that pans out.  Guess I'll be tossing plants in my food.  It's kinda fun to incorporate new little things into life when so many things are being taken away.  Even if it is only a plant.  Maybe I'll become a herbivore.