Monday, May 6, 2024


My Baby Bubba Buffy Boo left last evening about 7:30.  Relinquishing custody was like ripping a scab off of a wound and letting it bleed.  Her parents are sweet, insisting whenever I need to have her for a while, they'll bring her over.  Kinda like an emotional support puppy.  That's kindness in its finest attire!

When the boyfriend took her out yesterday, they took a walk around the Venny grounds down to the garden plots.  The boyfriend has never been one to buy me flowers, but he excels at picking me springtime violets.....itty bitty bouquets....cuz he knows I dearly love them.  Only one time did he give me a dozen long-stem red roses, and that was for our 50th wedding anniversary.  I took photos, cuz I'm not sure we'll make it to 75 years.  

"This little flower, so sweet and wild,
Is Nature's fairest, simplest child.
With whispers soft, May's earliest breeze,
Seeks for it, under budding trees.
By sunny banks and waters cool--
The gentlest bud in beauty's school."

We're waiting for word that our friend is being discharged from the hospital.  If he is, then we'll be making a trip up to get him and bring him home.  He's had a few post-op setbacks, so I hope they aren't sending him home too soon.  

Athena, my olive tree, is out on the deck.  We put her out there yesterday when Buffy came over.  We've noticed her nibbling on the leaves.  Athena stayed outside overnight, and that was her first solo night away from me.  The boyfriend bought an Amish Tomato Plant the other day, along with a Celebrity Tomato Plant.  He'll plant them in our garden plot.  Can't wait for juicy tomato time, BLTs being the premier summertime treat.  Grilling out, sitting out on the deck with friends, that's the best part of warm weather.  Packing picnic lunches, going to sit by a trout stream, listen to the birds sing, and just soak up Nature's fresh air.  Of course, there are the pesky bugs and mosquitoes we have to contend with.  I hear the ticks are just awful this year, and that's enough to keep me on the sidewalks.  I may have grown up a tomboy, but I am not brave when it comes to things that can suck the blood out of me.

Best put myself together and get on with the day.  Ta-ta till the morrow.