Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Today's agenda consists of giving the boyfriend a haircut and myself getting a pixie cut.  It's time for wearing capris leggings and short-sleeve t-shirts and wearing a haircut that's what I call 'wash and go.'  

Man alive, how did we endure wearing rollers to bed?  The sizes ranged from large ones to small ones, depending on the length of our hair and the style we wore.  Rollers were pink plastic, some had harsh bristles, and others were snap foam.  Then there was the ratting, or back combing.  OMG, that was something else.  The bigger our hair, the better we thought we looked.  I still will find myself doing this to the front to give me a little height.  Guess we drag out childhood habits along with us right up to the end. 

And, we slept with these rollers, by laying on our stomach and propping our face somehow so they wouldn't come undone.  All in the effort to fit in.  After nearly seven decades, fitting in is not my tassie of tea.  Shouldn't say that, but peer pressure has lost its grip over me.  That's a point in life where one realizes we don't have to live for everyone else, 'cuz no one is giving us a thought.  

Cut out the fleece material to make Buffy's birthday blankie.  My tasks these days are done in increments.  This week's calendar is pretty much filled, so will fiddle around today cutting the corners and strips.  Then all that'll be left is tying the strips and wrapping it up for the little girl.  

Watched my usual Iran nomad videos yesterday, along with depositions of priests taken ten years ago.  All I can say about all of us C's, ignorance has been bliss.

The boyfriend is getting antsy here to get his ears lowered.  There was a day that I cut my own hair and my mom's.  These Iranian videos often show where the men go for haircuts, and they also take their little boys for haircuts.  The men are very concerned with their looks, and that culture is very good-looking, with dark skin and black hair.  It's enjoyable to watch the barbers trim their facial hair and give haircuts.  One can learn a lot by watching others.

Ta-ta till the morrow.  Now that Memorial Day has passed, summer has officially begun.  


  1. Laughed and laughed at the visuals of getting your hair just right!!! I remember the days…my Mom would roll my hair around her finger and the resultant 6-8 pigtails is what I went to school with…hated it! I remember a hair dryer that had a plastic bonnet connected to a dryer so you didn’t have to endure the night-time torture, But I totally agree, short hair is the best!!!!

    1. Oh, my mom rolled my long hair around her finger, too. I have a picture that was taken in a studio with curls like that. Totally forgot. Oh, and the plastic bonnet hair dryer....yup, we did it all.

  2. I remembeer and wore to bed those hard pink rollers. I also had some with bristles that sometimes gave my hair a tussle to get them out. I liked the foam - softer and could sleep on them. I also had what were called Spoolies, little pink circulars that one popped open, wound hair around and closed shut. Oh, the things we endured to look prettier.

    1. Oh, I know. Think I tried every roller that was on the market, and the foam ones were the least painful. The ones with bristles were the worst, the ones that required those little pink picks that we rammed into our scalp. Do you remember pin curls?
