Sunday, May 26, 2024


After the boyfriend's shopping excursion yesterday, I was proud to see the stem of a red poppy tucked inside his shirt buttonhole.  Seeing that poppy embraced the meaning behind the 3-day weekend.  And, yes, it's been a rainy one.  Again this morning, rain is falling as I type this.  

May 31st is Buffy's 1st birthday, and we're invited to her party.  May have mentioned that before.  The little girl has a mother lode of toys, so I see no sense in getting her one more to throw in the heap.  Have decided to make her a fleece blankie.  The boyfriend went to Walmart yesterday, and I gave him full rein to pick out the fleece.  His artistic eye gives me a good reason to trust his choice.  We tend to veer off the expected, so I wasn't surprised that he chose a Native American design.  Along with the blankie, we'll anoint her with her Native American name....Little Fox.  We could have gotten a pink girly type of fleece, but my tendency is to make her into a little tomboy.  Incidentally,  the term 'tomboy' is generational and belongs to us baby boomers.  With all the gender nonsense these days, I'd guess my referencing a tomboy would tick some people off.  'Ticking people off' is another of our slang phrases.  Am gonna honor my youth and keep using the lingo of our era.   

The type of blanket I'll make is the no-sew where the fleece is doubled and the edges are tied.  Have made these cuddly blankets for puppies in the past.  Will share a picture of the finished gift.  

This Thursday is my appointment to get my eyelids fixed.  It's been the second 3-month wait.  First I waited three months to see the surgeon, and then he referred me to a plastic surgeon, which has been another 3-month wait.  I'm so ready to get my eyes back to where I can see like normal.  Right now it feels like I'm looking through a small rectangular hole.  My peripheral vision is really impaired.  Anyway, this week we'll see what he recommends and when he will be able to fix me.  Am to the point where I may get on my knees and plead for an early surgery date.  If that doesn't work, well, I'm up for offering anything he wants.  Sad part is at my age there's nothing he'll want.  Life is like that.  

We're getting real close to the month of June.  The next big event will be Father's Day.  Back in 1908, the same year that Mother's Day was started, a small church in West Virginia held a public event honoring the fathers of their community.  The day was held in remembrance of the 362 men who were killed the previous December in a mining explosion.  This specific day I'd not transform into an annual tradition in the town, but it did set a precedent of reserving a day for fathers everywhere.

It's definitely a sleepy day, and it doesn't help that the little fuzz bucket woke us up at 5:30.  She must do this at home, 'cuz she acts like it's her job to get the day going.  An afternoon nap might be in order.  Just took this picture to show the little fruitcake as she has her nose buried in a cuddly throw that's beside me.  

Buffy Baby Boo a/k/a Little Fox