Saturday, May 18, 2024


Yesterday's trolley was SO much fun, and we saw many photo ops that brought our car to a stop.  Patience is my boyfriend's virtue.

Our purpose was to buy a chocolate tomato plant at one of the Amish greenhouses, but they were already all sold.  So, I chose a fun alternative by buying a Jelly Bean Tomato Plant with mixed colors of yellow and red.  I'll plant it along with the Sun Sugar one.  

Then, I also bought more herbs, 2 chives, 1 thyme and 1 rosemary plant.  The flowers in the Amish Greenhouses were absolutely heavenly, hanging from the ceiling and others situated on long tables and on the floor.  Our deck doesn't have enough space for too much stuff, so this year we've decided to keep it down to herbs and tomatoes.  

The Amish farmers were working in the fields.  We stopped to watch this 6-horse hitch.  On another farm, we watched a farmer working with his 6-horse team hitch by the barn.  The horses were so well-behaved and moved from one spot to another as if they were slow-dancing.  The Amish don't like to have their pictures taken, so I made sure no faces were facing my camera.  Their way of life is very intriguing, and, honestly, is a lot like life on the farm when I was a little girl.  However, with them, time stopped there and never moved forward like it did for the rest of us.  


It was on this farm that a young lady was mowing the lawn with one of the old, old style push lawnmowers.  She was barefoot, and all I could think of was what if she steps on a wiggly?  We mow our lawns with power mowers and riding mowers, but this gal was working hard with that relic of a mower.  It's not for me to say why they choose to live their one life working so much harder than they need to.  But, then I look at our society and don't see many of the admirable aspects of Amish life.  They probably say the same things about us, wondering what's wrong with our thinking.  

We left at 10 in the morning, ate lunch at a tavern-style restaurant, and returned home around 4 in the afternoon.  I have more photos to share, but will make them last a few days.  The four of us had such a good time, laughed, visited and reminisced about our childhoods that mirrored one another.  They live down the hall from us at Venny, and when we returned home she sent home a decadent tiramisu dessert for us.  That was the sweetest ending to a memorable trolley.