The Amish are known to be respectful stewards of the land, as can be seen by their pasture-raised sheep. They refrain from using pesticides and use only natural fertilizer. Our trolley took us by quite a few pastures, where the sheep were grazing or napping. Like this picture......
There are few things sweeter than baby lambs. Nowadays it saddens me to see the corporate farmers raising beautiful animals in buildings, animals that will never know what it feels like to lay on green grass. Corporate farming = big bucks = GREED. One of the seven deadly sins. I've often wondered what it must be like to die and leave behind millions of dollars. Inheritance is wonderful, but that also breeds its own kind of discontent and encourages more over-spending. The cycle is non-stop. That is why a pastoral scene like this warms my heart and tells me there's an ounce of human kindness left among us humanoids.I have a special place in my heart for sheep, always will. Maybe it's because we raised them on the farm when I was a little girl. My happiest times were feeding lambs with a nippled pop bottle. Those little lambs were so hungry, and their tails showed just how happy they were. If I had to choose one childhood memory, I'd pick that one for leaving the biggest dent in my heart.
Isn't it interesting that sheep are mentioned over 500 times in the Bible, more than any other animal?
Early morning thunder and lightning. Light rain is falling as I type. Some of the corn is up.....that's how we always refer to a new crop popping out of the ground. When the rows of corn become visible, that's when we say the corn is up.
Played online games most of yesterday. Went from one to the other, just like a hamster running on a wheel. By the time 10:30 p.m. arrived, my brain was worn to a frazzle. Don't know what today holds. Right now, crocheting sounds kinda fun. Gotta get more crosses finished. I function best when I put a goal number and a deadline on myself. Then I'm able to crochet like crazy until I hit the mark. I've always worked best under pressure. At my age, I have to create my own silly is that!