Friday, May 31, 2024


Yesterday's doctor's consultation went very well.   Am scheduled for pre-op and first procedure first week in August.  A second procedure will be required, one on my forehead and the other the eyelids themselves.  Initially when setting up dates, the first open surgery date was in November.  OMG!  I cannot wait that long, cuz my eyes are driving me to an early grave.  Beyond my control, tears ran down my face.  I asked if there were any scheduled for beauty purposes, and, if so, if mine (as a medical woe) could be considered a higher priority.  Answer was no.  First come, first serve.  His assistant came in with the scheduling book that she keeps, and the OR had a cancellation on August 6th.  It was mine if I wanted it.  The boyfriend nodded his head yes, and that was that.  We were going to have a house guest for a few days the first week in August, but, for once I'm putting myself first.  

The doctor is yet another to be added to my list of blessings.  A person can sense what a doctor is like by how he treats you the minute he meets you.  I was very apprehensive before meeting him, simply because I'm very fussy when it comes to doctors.  The boyfriend asked him if he has a sense of humor, and his smile said it all.  He was very kind to me and made me feel like he really wants to help me.  He said I was referred from the other doctor because my case is considered severe and medically necessary because of the loss of peripheral vision.  

Not being judgmental, but I was astounded by the number of very obese people at the clinic.  The waiting areas have furniture to accommodate large bodies, and that's something I'd not seen before.  Sometimes I watch My 600-Pound Life, and there were two patients waiting in this one area yesterday that would qualify for that TV show.  There is one bathroom on the main floor with equipment specially made for overly large bodies.  This saddened me, and my heart went out to those sitting around me.  For the first time in my life, I felt tiny. 

 Obesity is personal for me.  It's not that I'm morbidly obese, but doctors refer to the overweight as obese, which alone can break any human heart.  Losing weight is a struggle and requires intense will power.  In my book of words, I think it requires mental Olympian strength.  Probably more than anything, yesterday encourages me to eat sensibly and properly.  So so sad.  

Before leaving the clinic, I needed to go to lower level Medical Media, where I was placed on a stool in bright lights.  About 15 photos were taken of me with different facial expressions, one smiling, one frowning, front views and side views.  The doctor will refer to these for his part in this gig.  I can only imagine how ridiculous I must look in those photos.  

Went to the North Country Buffet for lunch at 2:30 p.m.  The boyfriend had grilled steak, and I had the grilled chicken.  Our plan was to go to Woodsman's to get groceries, but I was worn out and begged to go straight home.  Boyfriend felt the same, so home we went.  

The day was at a perfect temperature, the sun was out, the corn crops were growing, so again we were blessed with safe conditions for our trolley.  When we visit the big clinics now, we take advantage of valet service rather than trying to find an open parking space and then having to walk another distance.  We're to the point where we take advantage of these offered conveniences.  

Gotta share a little ditty about the elderly lady who was volunteering her time to welcome patients into this large facility.  We walked in, and there she was standing right in front of us, as though a 130-pound frail woman could stop anyone.  She asked where we needed to go.  I told her I had an appointment with Dr. RM, and she told me I was in the wrong building, that I should be across the street.  The directions I'd received proved contrary, so I held my ground.  She got a bit huffy with me and asked us to follow her to a desk (to prove she was right).  As it turned out, she wasn't.  I was.  That was enough to readjust my mood before seeing the doctor.  These annoying types are sprinkled all over the earth, and I call them menaces to society.  I told myself to let it go.  

Today I'm getting back to Buffy's blanket.  Yes, there's enough fleece left.  Guess I hastily threw in the towel.  Gotta cut and tie and take a photo of it for tomorrow's post.  Hopefully there will be no further happy little accidents.