Thursday, May 9, 2024


On our out-and-about yesterday, our eyes feasted on springtime's glorious blossoming trees.  I ask myself, did I once actually live and function without my smart phone and trusty camera.  Out of all the trees, these two were my number one picks....

Can anyone tell me what kind of tree this is?  The tree is shaped so the branches go upward and each branch is covered with blossoms.  Would really like to know what kind they are.

We ran errands, and one stop was at Norby's Farm Fleet.  Hanging baskets are displayed outside.  My plan is to wait until after Mother's Day to buy the hanging plant for our deck.  Most likely the plants will be picked over and won't be the prettiest, but I'm known to buy those left behind and baby them back to life.  At my house, they're free to be themselves.  With a little love and a titch of luck, in a couple of weeks they're pretty as can be.  Plants are a lot like people.  Without love, they wilt and lose their enthusiasm.  

Once again it's overcast, with a forecast for some rain.  Maintenance mowed the grounds yesterday, and the lawn is at its finest.  

We stopped out at our garden plot.  While the boyfriend planted a cucumber plant, I sat down and visited with our master gardener, who is the head of the garden project at Venny.  She's out there every day, and this year she's planted a garden that's available for those who don't plant their own plot.  A communal thing.

The peony bushes are forming tight balls that will burst forth into a deep magenta color.  A line of these bushes are planted along the garden fence.  The rhubarb's ready to pick, and I want to freeze some, 4 cups to a freezer bag.  A couple days ago our doorbell rang, and there stood Mary with two pieces of freshly baked rhubarb cake topped with whipped cream.  Omigod, was it ever yummy.

If you know what kind of trees these are, please let me know.  Ta-ta.