Wednesday, May 8, 2024


The boyfriend and I postponed our grocery shopping yesterday, which put it on today's agenda.  I've decided to push my own cart up and down the aisles, choosing ingredients for salads, which I dearly love to eat.  Kwik Star's chicken tenders are perfect for lettuce salads, along with hard-boiled eggs, onions, radishes, cucumbers, and whatever other veggie fits in the bowl.  

Later today am going to make this dressing:

1 c. fat free Greek yogurt

1/4 cup chopped fresh chives, or green onions

1 clove garlic 

1/4 c. parsley (will use flakes)

2 tsp dijon mustard

1 tsp salt

1 tsp pepper

Everywhere we turn, there's food advertisements that literally make me drool.  Food is my one and only sparring partner.  Growing up, second helpings were normal at our family table.  I remember once being invited to a family's house for dinner.  They had 8 kids, and we all sat around one long dining table.  The food was passed around, we each took a helping.  When the food on my plate was gobbled up, I waited for the platter to be passed around again.  Nope.  That doesn't happen in a home with 8 kids.  Life is a classroom.

I enjoy trying new recipes, and spring is the perfect time to look for healthy foods that serve my best interests.  Thank heavens I'm a veggie and fruit lover.  I'm not so much into cottage cheese, but if I put it in sugar-free jello, then it's okay.  Good old jello.  When we were kids, we ate jello all the time.  Mostly red jello with bananas, sometimes fruit cocktail.  We only buy the sugar-free now, cuz jello is high in carbs, with 19 grams in a 1/2 cup serving.  

Looks like it's clouded over, might get another shower.  Think it's time to run errands and get back to the nest.