It's always something. Those are my mother's words, and now they're mine.
Remember me saying that yesterday was the boyfriend's eye appointment? Well, he's been experiencing some annoyances with his eyes and wanted to be sure nothing else was going on. His examination was lengthy and thorough. I chose to remain in the car and work on Buffy's blanket. I had made a pattern for the 4-inch square that needed to be cut out on each corner. Even made a pattern for the 1x4 strips that I needed to cut. Everything was going fine, the 4 corners were cut out, and I started cutting the strips.
Then my phone rang. The conversation ticked me off, and my mind was out in the stratosphere somewhere, far from my task at hand. That's when I realized that I had cut strips and actually cut them out like the square. My mind was nowhere within the continental USA, and I royally f'd up Buffie's blanket. I was too upset to cry, more angry than any other emotion. So, I stuffed it back into the bag and threw it in the back seat. Good thing I took a book along.
But, my mind couldn't absorb the words, nor was the book interesting. My mood had thrown a net over my brain, and that was that. The 2+ hour wait got worse as the sun moved over to where it shown right in the car window onto me. Now, I was not only upset, but inside an oven. Oh, the driver's and passenger windows were open, but that didn't cool me down. Not a good afternoon.
When the boyfriend returned to the car, he found me in a snit, which he certainly didn't deserve. But, it's for better or worse, and once in a while the worse rears its unpleasant head. The problem now is whether there's enough fleece left. For part of the afternoon, I went into turtle mode. By 6 o'clock the net had lifted and I was able to see life clearer.
Set the siren this morning for 7, giving us time to shower and get on the road by 10:30. Appointment is at 12:45, and I filled out the questionnaires regarding meds, etc., online. That'll save time at the clinic. Love MyChart.
The plan is to wait until after the appointment to eat lunch. We're thinking about going to the North Country Buffet. They offer everything from grilled steaks to a taco bar and everything in between. My aim will be the plentiful salad bar, along with grilled chicken. Will give the two of us something to look forward to, plus we'll be able to talk about the surgeon and proposed procedure.
That's the state of the place today. Can't say something else won't pop up to derail me. Guess that's life, and by this time I oughta be accustomed to surprises. The mind is the critical part of our being, cuz it governs every single thing we do, and how we do it. When our minds get distracted, life gets distorted. Anyway, it does for me. Controlling the mind is like pulling in the reins of a runaway horse. Takes a lot of strength and stamina.
Time is important here, so ta-ta till the morrow.