Our area is under a storm warning, with possible hail and powerful tornadic winds. Some places are already experiencing flash flooding, and other places are under flood warning. Right now, a light rain is falling, the kind the soil receives with glee.
I'm now the official owner of a herb garden. Two long narrow planters with parsley, oregano, thyme, sweet basil, rosemary and chives. They're situated alongside the deck railing, so they're recipients of this natural watering.
Yesterday I was in a blue funk and kinda cranky. The boyfriend threatened to put me down in the recycle room. Yah, right. Like he'd do something like that! This morning I'm feeling a titch better. When these moods hit, I go in my turtle mode. Don't expect me to do anything but breathe and blink....inside my own space.
Have another photo to share from our trolley. We were driving a road less traveled back in the boonies when we came across a farmstead. I spotted this cement structure all grown up with weeds. We stopped to take a picture, and the farmer drove up to us with his four wheeler. Nice talkative guy about our age. We inquired about this cement post, and he explained that when they bought the farm years ago these cement posts were all over the place. Evidently the previous owners made them. Fancy fence posts to adorn the driveways.
For sure, there's an interesting story here, but at least we know what we know. These are the hidden treasures we find on our day drives. They're everywhere out in the countryside, but one must look to see, not just look and not see. Does that make sense?Received a text from Buffy's mom, asking if we could puppy sit this weekend, starting Friday afternoon. After I picked myself up from the floor, I responded with a big YES. Gonna be a cuddle fest at our house, trust me. It's hilarious to think there was a day when Memorial Day meant camping in a tent by the river. Without fail, it rained on Memorial weekend. But, the memories are some of the best and the funniest. Back then, camping required taking half our household along, unloading from the car and into the boat, finding a sandbar, unloading everything and setting up camp. Then Monday we'd dismantle everything, load, unload, load and unload back at home. Just thinking about all that hassle tires me out. Now, I go bezerk if a puppy stays with us!