Friday, May 3, 2024


Today we're out and about doing one of the corporal works of mercy, visiting the sick.  Don't hear much about the works of mercy these days.  Our world is too focused on adversity to give thought to helping one another.  

Riding as a passenger gives me time to work on my comfort crosses.  The guys will be in the front seats, and I'll be relegated to the back seat.  The boyfriend will take command of the steering wheel.  My hearing is challenged even with my hearing aids stuffed into my ears.  Those who ride up front usually forget there's anyone in the back seat, but I cough once in a while to remind them.....that is, if they can hear me.   

Won't go shopping like we did years ago.  Our one stop, other than the hospital, will be the Star Ocean Buffet, where rows of Chinese foods are served buffet style.  Salad and dessert sections, as well as a grill and sushi bar.  This girl is not into sushi.  I tried the octopus and seaweed salad one time, and all I can say is that my gag reflex functions well.  The coconut shrimp, however, makes me swoon.

Will use the step-counting app on my phone to track the number of steps I'll walk.  This will set a base number for a springtime walking routine.  That is, if my left knee doesn't fit, fret and fuss.  

Best get ready.