Saturday, June 1, 2024


Time to turn another page on our calendars.  Welcome June 2024!

Speaking of calendars, we've transitioned over to keeping our daily agendas on my Chromebook.  It is by far the easiest way for us to know where we need to be months in advance.  'Specially when it concerns medical appointments.  The norm for doctors seems to be scheduling three months ahead.  Or more.  The wall calendar is another relic from the past.  Ah, the ongoing changes!

Well, let me report on Buffy's party.  It was over the top fun and delicious.  I even said to her parents, just think how many children will never see a birthday party as fun and loving as this.    

Buffy's Indian Blanket
First, the blanket got finished.  Wrapped it in tissue paper, thinking Buffy might open it herself.  Instead of a bow, I printed off one of the photos that I'd taken of her while we were puppy sitting.  Got the most adorable video of me helping the Little Fox open it, but won't post the video for confidentiality purposes.  

Buffy's wrapped present

As birthday party guests, we were treated with wine and beer, then a Chinese dinner of homemade Mongolian Beef and Orange Chicken served on rice.  The birthday cake was the most delicious chocolate cake we've ever tasted.  The recipe came to Buffy's mom from a gal from Mexico.  My advice was to enter the cake in the State Fair competition.  It was dark, moist, chocolatey and ungodly good.  Never tasted anything like it and most likely never will.....until Buffy's 2nd birthday.  Hope lives on.

They offered to send the remains of the cake home with us, but we politely declined.  Honestly, I could have put my face right into the cake itself and eaten it like that.  

AND, here it is June.  The month of Father's Day and, in our case, a couple very special birthdays.  June is the month of weddings and bridal showers.  In the Midwest, June celebrates dairy farmers.  Summer kicks into gear, and weekends are for river sports and camp-outs.  Schools close for a couple of months, and kids are free to do whatever.  I personally have summer vacation memories of spending time with our baby lambs and calves.  When I was a little girl, I promised myself I'd never ever spend my life on a farm.  Loved it for my childhood, but not to be stuck there forever.  Mom would tell me to be careful what I wish for, and I was.  Of course, farming changed with the introduction of milking machines and huge machinery.  But, that life was not for me.  I needed to be in an office atmosphere.

The day is overcast.  Must've rained a bit before we got up.  The parking lot out front was wet.  Yesterday we inherited a like-new Lazy-Boy recliner from two of our Venny friends.  They needed a home for their two manual recliners that they replaced with electric ones.  Color is a dark grey, very nice for our unit.  We're very grateful to them.

Today will be a telly day, with my boyfriend watching sports, golf and racing.  I'm gonna probably take my mind to another country via You Tube and see how people on the other side of our world are living their lives.  It's fascinating to see the differences in dress, foods we eat, and housing accommodations.  I always come away counting my many blessings.  Things I take for granted.....others can only dream of having in some of the countries.  I'm drawn to the Iranian nomads who live in the mountains.  More than likely, that's where I'll spend my day.  Till the morrow, ta-ta. 


  1. Love, love, love the blanket!!! And the photo on the tissue paper is so precious! I too said I would never live on a farm…now as I drive through this metropolitan chaos, I wonder where my brain was!

    1. An interesting likeness, both of us not wanting to live on a farm........In my case, I still wouldn't, but I don't live by or near the chaos of a metropolitan area. If I did, I'd feel as you do.

  2. TC: Such a cute gift.

  3. Hit Enter before I was ready. I love the Native American theme. Nice job.
    And gifts. How nice of your friends to gift you with the dark grey recliner.
    Weather-wise: we're in for a gorgeous late spring run of 4-5 days. Sun is out. 78 today, 80+ through Tuesday. We'll take it. We've been down to near freezing a few nights.

    1. Thank you, the blanket did turn out cute. I, too, love the Native American design. Enjoy the nice spring weather!
