Monday, January 31, 2022


Received a text message and photos yesterday from the couple who share joint custody of little fud bud.  They were at the Canadian Pavilion eating poutine.....french fries topped with gravy and cheese curds.  

Look yummy, but, being a ketchup connoisseur, am not sure if it would be on my list of favorites.....but, surely would give 'em a try.  It's the business of experiencing new things from different places in the world.  

Remember when we drove into Canada on our honeymoon.  Ordered fried eggs and toast for breakfast.  Our plates were garnished with a slice of tomato.  Man, we laughed and thought how weird is that.  Looking back, we were too young to appreciate the experience.  

I always loved to travel, and right out of the gate we took on some major trips.  Never waited for that proverbial 'some day.'  Now, we're content to stay home in our late-life home and appreciate the amenities necessary to the aging process.  Life has been, and continues to be, quite a gig.  

After living all the years, through the good, the bad and the ugly of being human, it's amazing how the encounters and experiences unfolded.  What's more amazing is the fact that we survived them.  Yet, we carry each one with us for the duration, at a lesser degree.  Thank heaven time heals our wounds, and, like all wounds, leaves scars.  Some visible, some not.  It's those invisible ones that hurt the most.  I call them cancer of the heart.

Have a box to open today.  The beads ordered on eBay.  The package arrived on Saturday, but saved it for today.  Kinda lazed through the weekend and wanted a surprise waiting on Monday.  

Nothing on today's calendar.  My plan is to work on the curtain of beads.  Also found the game 10 x 10 on the AARP website.  The big winners score like 13,000.......well, yesterday for the first time I scored 2,145.  Don't know how the players score so high, but will get there.  Takes a lot of lows before scoring a high.  

Gave Mabel a cup of onion skin juice a bit ago.  She's looking lovely, leaves are shiny and new growth is showing.  We now keep a cup half filled with water where we put all the onion skins.  This was quite the household hint.  Have you noticed they're now calling household hints 'hacks?'