Friday, January 7, 2022


Friday morning, and together we entered our grocery order on the Fareway app.  It's the coolest thing since sliced bread, so the worn-out saying goes.  We've not had the slightest glitch, orders are filled to a T, and we make sure to pass along our favorable comments.  We choose an available time slot for pickup, and our orders are always ready on time.  Eliminating in-store grocery store shopping not only keeps us away from Covid carriers, but we don't have to drive around the Fareway parking lot four times to find a parking space and risk another driver backing into our new Subaru.  Right in front of the store are two reserved parking spaces for online shoppers.

Shopping the old-fashioned way pushing a shopping cart up and down and sideways down the aisles is not my cup of tea.  Finding items is tricky, and I find myself driving from one end of the store to the other, several times. It's almost impossible to find a store employee to ask.  Fellow shoppers drive me nuts.  Always have to wait in line at the meat counter, and bumping into chatterboxes is also not my cuppa. My idea is to get in and out of the store in as little time as possible.  It's definitely not a place for socializing.

Not only that, but it's also the business of the shopping cart that's layered with germs from child spit to filthy hands that have just been who knows where.  The thought of my hands gripping the shopping cart handle gives me the willies.  It's to the point where OSHA will need to mandate cart washers.  Oh, lest we forget the wobbly carts with wads of gum stuck to the wheel.

Fareway's app gives the shopper every choice in the store.  There's no way a person can see every item, check prices, and compare prices in a crowded store.  Heck, when we order online, we use a calculator to outsmart the pricing gimmics the retailers use to confuse their shoppers.  Prices are odd numbers, like $2.12 each or 5 for $10, as one example.  Sometimes the store brand (which is supposed to be less expensive) is actually more expensive.  It doesn't matter if one dilly dallies on one app department, cuz there's no one else in the virtual store.  

Have you noticed how people are overly emotional with all this Covid craziness?  Hopefully, masks are covering the frowns, cuz few are smiling.  Society has us to where we must be careful not to look at others, cuz they might misconstrue the mere look for an accusatory sneer.  Truth be known, shopping rage is a thing.

I like the Smart Ones lunches, especially spaghetti and lasagna, in the frozen section.  They've been $2.00 each for a long time.  As of this week, they are $2.69 each.  That's quite a jump.  Grocery prices are on the rise, especially meat.  Thank heavens the boyfriend has a Master's Degree in Meat Merchandising.  He saves us big bucks by grinding sale-priced pork and buying bulk hamburger when it's on sale by the big tube.  We bring it home, and he packages it in one-pound bags for the freezer.  Armchair grocery shopping is one mighty big perk, one that we can't tout enough.


  1. The husband doesn't want me to buy the hamburger in the tubes. I think one time we got stuck with a poor quality of ground beef and he hasn't forgotten. But little does he know that on occasion I will pick a 1 pound tube and he is non the wiser. Has no clue what he is eating. I don't mind grocery shopping. I like to go up and down the isle to see what is new. And it's an outing for me. We do not shop together. Heaven help us if and when that ever starts.

  2. Your comment makes me giggle, Alice. When the two of us go grocery shopping, we'd each take a cart and go separate ways. We go separately wherever we go, even to the State Fair we each do our own thing. It's the only way we know. We're often asked why we're each shopping separately. I just say it's how we roll. I get such a kick out of some men who follow their wives through a store like a lost puppy.

    How was your trip? Did you guys run into any snow?

  3. We stayed in Paducah but Bob couldn't sleep and I got 3 hrs. So we took off at 12:30 to get ahead of the storm. It wasn't bad driving at night. Not much traffic until around 3:30 or so than the semi's came out. By the looks of things there didn't seem to be a trucker shortage. Never seen so many trucks out and about. Rest stops were full of them and so were the exits and weigh stations. Bob's brother and his wife left for FL on Thursday and got caught in the storm they had to stay in Paducah instead of Chattanooga where they usually stop. But we make it safely.

  4. least you're at your destination, safe and sound. The business about the trucks is interesting. So much misinformation out there. It's cold here, but no more snow. The ground is white, with the sun shining. Enjoy your time away. I'm thinking about you.

  5. Someone told me the trucks going north are empty.

  6. You and a cousin of mine are the only two I know grocery shopping online. Sounds easier.

  7. Can't applaud online grocery shopping enough. Our local stores do an excellent job, providing the freshest. If the item we order isn't available and a higher-priced like item is.....they will choose the high-priced item and charge the lower price. Very fair.
