Saturday, January 15, 2022


Must've been windy during the night, cuz there's a small drift of snow on the deck.  The parking lot out front is nicely cleared, as are the sidewalks.  Sun is shining, so all's good this Saturday.

There's a display case in the Venny Fireplace Room.  Yesterday the boyfriend set up a display of some of his woodcarving art work.  He's a medal-winning chip-carver.  I'm very proud of him, and his accomplishments, and want to share a photo that he took after setting up his display......

Dale's Chipcarving
Thought it was sweet how he incorporated two German beer steins in his display.....cuz we live in a Norwegian community.  He has a similar display down in the main workshop.  Note the two boxes on the lower shelf.  Those are our burial boxes that he specially made with dovetail joints, carvings of leaves and our names.  The finish has not been applied to them.  We both want our burials to be next to the ground, so in time the boxes will erode and we will become part of the earth.  

Submitted my article to the newsletter editor yesterday.  Chose to write about kindness.  If there's one thing that can keep us humans forging forward on the right path, it's kindness toward one another and those creatures who live beside us.  Think the next time I'm in the hospital (hopefully never) and they ask me my religion, I'm going to respond with one word.....KINDNESS.  

May you feel an angel's wings lightly touch you today.   


  1. We have Four Angels in our house. They all have four legs and fur. I know their Angels because they love us unconditionally and they make us feel wonderful. I believe God gave us pets to show us what unconditional love is! Pets live such simple lives. All they want is a home that will feed them, keep them warm, let them play and give them a clean restroom! Think about it for a minute. All a pet wants to hoard in life is your affection and they give it back many times over! Don't you wish we humans could be more like pets to each other?

  2. Will never happen. Our pets are higher on the food chain, that's my perception. All we can do is love the sweethearts and savor the love they give to us. We're so fortunate, cuz there are those who don't like our pets. Man alive, life must be lousy for them.

  3. How impressive! I showed Dick; he's just shaking his head and says, "the hours these pieces mus have taken?" He loved Dale's work when we visited. We both did.
    I, personally, have been checking every photo you post to catch a glimpse of his carvings. So glad to see these.

  4. Yes, Dale the Master Carver. His works are scattered around our home. Did I tell you he carved our burial boxes? Cremation will be our choice. They're actually in the display case in the photo. They need to have a finish put on them yet.
