Clouds covering the sun, making for a dismal January day where we live. That's okay, cuz it makes for the perfect atmosphere to turn on a lamp and read. All our married life, never have we used ceiling lights. Both of us prefer table or floor lamps. Except in the kitchen. In our new home now, there isn't even a ceiling light in the living area. That suits us perfectly.
Last night the boyfriend fixed fried liver and onions for supper. When I was a little girl, fried liver made me gag. Mom would fry me a couple eggs instead. Well, that's all changed. Chef Dale has a way of making it that makes me drool. He fries a whole bunch of onions first, then coats the liver in flour, then fries it. When done, he puts the liver and onions in the oven for about a half hour. OMG, it's truly a wonderful meal, along with real mashed potatoes and creamed corn. We put the creamed corn over the potatoes, like gravy.
We have an outlet for free liver. We know someone who works in a meat processing shop, and the livers are thrown away cuz it's no longer a thing to be eaten, I guess. We don't have it often, but maybe once every couple of months. The nutritional value alone is reason to incorporate it in our diets. Read where it helps the brain, and god knows we need all the help we can get!
Tonight's supper will be leftovers from the last couple of nights. Kinda like a buffet of this and that, throw a pickle or two in, and call it a meal. Growing up, both of our families used every bit of leftover food, so both of us enjoy eating em. There are some who refuse to eat anything that's not freshly cooked. Actually, food tastes better the second time around....according to the two of us.
Am forging ahead with my do one little task each day. Surprisingly, this approach works and gives a sense of accomplishment. Am no longer the person who tackles big jobs....everything is done in small increments. Migod, you'd think I was old or something!
Am going to watch a live stream on You Tube. The usual gang is together, and this will provide me with a sense of being with friends without actually being with friends. It's the craziest thing, but what isn't crazy these days. All we can do is float down the river of life and hope we don't get caught up on a log.