Boy, the East Coast sure got blasted with heaps of snow. A few flakes fell here this morning. Overcast and quiet.
No news from my end. Tis Sunday, and the three of us are lazy bones. Cuddy is in his favorite couch spot, covered with his daddy's burgundy t-shirt, and we've got our eyes on our laptop screens.
This morning I confess to modifying my one-meal a day plan. Has been three weeks as of today, and now think it's time to add one day a week where a reasonable lunch is included. Chose today for the week, had a bowl of chili. Nothing else.
Watched more "Trading Spouses" episodes. Never before gave thought to how differently every household interacts behind closed doors. Every parent has their own ways of parenting, and some children are respectful to their parents and some aren't. Am learning a lot from this series.
One of the mothers was placed in a household where the girls talked rudely to one another. She couldn't take it anymore, so she asked one of the girls to please get her a tube of toothpaste, which she did. The girls were sitting around the kitchen table when their 'new' mother asked one girl to please squeeze a bit of toothpaste out into a spoon. Then she asked the girl to put the toothpaste back in the tube. She explained that our words are like toothpaste. Once they come out of our mouths, we can't put them back in.
The big question behind this series is......Is the grass really greener on the other side? In every episode the mothers can't wait to get back to their homes, and the children can't wait for their real moms to return. Husbands appreciate their wives after living with a stranger for a week.
Was so funny when a ten-year-old girl expressed her fear that her new mom might be one of those skinny women who eats only an almond for lunch.