Our 2021 Christmas tree is neatly tucked in our storage space.....three strings of multi-colored lights, star, ornaments and evergreen garland in a plastic bag next to the tree. Yesterday was dedicated to that one task. Put away presents, replaced the Christmas decorations outside our door with more seasonal ones, so we're good to go now until Easter. We got a wooden red heart with a quotation on it, and that is on the door itself. Looks sweet and appropriate now before Valentine's Day.
One of our Venny friends fell and was taken to the hospital by ambulance last night. According to what came over the scanner, plus the garb the EMTs wore when they came in the building, he'd tested positive for Covid. Sounds like he must've known he had Covid, but we weren't aware.
About half-way thru. |
It is probably a sign that the world is becoming too wicked for children to live in.
The Apocalypse has begun. The Anti Christ is here.
He knew the Book of Revelation thoroughly, and he quoted passage after passage explaining how each referred to a current event.
Sound familiar? We're hearing these exact words today. For myself, reading these words makes me realize that we're going to be okay. This too shall pass. If we could eliminate the dark media, our world would be a whole lot more bearable.....that's according to my infinitesimal and positively worthless opinion.
The boyfriend just read where bed bugs are getting to be a huge problem. Guess some of the problem is staying in motels. The shortage of cleaning staff plus the bedbugs being carried in suitcases is part of the problem. Makes me cringe, and home is where I want to be.
Must be windy outside. Snow is blowing across the parking lot. It's 10 degrees this morning. Yesterday an idea hit my head to put a little gnome garden where the Christmas tree stood. Have collected a few darling gnomes, and the boyfriend made an adorable scroll-saw stand that would look cute. It's fun to use what we have and use it in a different way. Since moving to Venny, have become a nut for gnomes. The little buggers add a touch of whimsy.
Am going to read Russka again today. The guy who loaned the book to me is gone for a couple of weeks. Want to have it by his door when he returns. Cuddy loves to lay by me when I read, and that adds an extra layer of joy to a book.
Had old-fashioned goulash for supper last night. Yumm-O. We make ours with hamburger, elbow macaroni, onions, canned chopped tomatoes, and tomato soup. Of course, my serving requires pepper and ketchup, and sometimes hot pepper flakes.
By the way, have been watering Mabel (our family Christmas Cactus) with onion skin water like I wrote about awhile back. Mabel's leaves are shiny, and she's never looked healthier. We peel the crispy onion skin, place it in a cup of water by the kitchen sink, let it soak until Mabel needs sustenance. Then we throw the onion skin away.
Oh, dear. My coffee cup is empty.