Going through my maternal gramma's recipes, came across the one for her homemade ketchup. Remember at home mom making ketchup, and it was delicious. Have no idea if this is the same recipe that mom used, but think it would be fun to try making it for old time's sake.
Love old family recipes that are handwritten. The person's handwriting is so much a part of who they were and it's the only way to be near them. This is a photo of gramma's recipe.......
The pages are stained, brittle and tattered, pieces break off when its pages are turned. Has been well used and shows probably a century's wear and tear. If my friend Ruth is reading this, please notice who's name gramma wrote in beside the ketchup recipe. Little touches like that make the recipe even more of a treasure.Have always been one to add condiments to my food, to my boyfriend's dismay. He likes his food as is, other than salt and pepper. If I had to eat French Fries without ketchup, would have to say nope, don't want 'em. And, as for mustard, well, my choice is the ground sharp-tasting kind, not that bright yellow stuff that reminds me of little calves.
Yesterday we hung the curtain rod in the bedroom for my Boho Bead Curtain. Hung 23 completed strands to see how it'll look. This morning's sunshine presented us with rainbows and polka dots scattered on all the walls. Talk about an amazing sight. Still have probably that many yet to make. The boyfriend thinks I should have more space between each strand than I'd prefer. Will go with my preference. I say, go big or don't go at all!
Nothing newsworthy to pass on. We're going to be dining on homemade spaghetti for supper. Still persevering with eating only supper. About this time of mid-day I start chewing on my sleeves.
Fare thee well for now.