Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Up early.  Outdoor thermometer reads -18 degrees.  Not the best day for the boyfriend's return eye doctor appointment at 10:10 this morning.  Our little house guest is going down the hall to his auntie and uncle's unit. 

Yesterday had a fun phone visit with one of my favorite cousins.  When we talk, we laugh, and that tells me humor runs through our veins.  Some people are so serious, they actually scare me.  Unfortunately, I know some who's faces would crack like a china plate if they tried to smile.  Poor souls, life must be miserable.  

Most gorgeous sunrise.....brightest pink ever.  Peaceful and pretty.  From the inside looking out, doesn't look that cold.  

Lampwork Beads
Worked on the Boho Beaded Curtain yesterday.  Try to make three 29" bead strands each day.  Am anxious to see it hung in the east bedroom window.  Ordered some more beads on eBay.  Am looking for lampwork beads now to add pizazz.  They're beautiful beads.  One seller listed a container of assorted beads (some lampwork) for $49.99.  Ain't gonna pay that much, so I threw him a ridiculous counter-offer of $25.  Couldn't believe he countered back with $29 and free postage.  Saved $21 by throwing out a low bid.  Goes to show it pays to wheel and deal.  For me, buying the beads or finding them in thrift stores is half the fun.   

Stopped in our local thrift store the other day and found a couple of crystal bead necklaces that are now soaking in soapy water.  Will disassemble them for stringing on the fish line.  Have developed my way of tying knots to tightly secure the line.  Like with all things, practice makes kinda perfect. 

The boyfriend bought me a scratch lottery ticket the other day.  Drat to that.  Nary a number match.  Wonder what a person would do with a $50,000 prize match.  Would be happy with a $10 winning ticket.  Have the occasional $5 win, but then we turn around and use that to get another one.  That's usually where the fun ends.  

Best get ready to brave the cold.


  1. Hoping the boy friends eye appointment went well. We were up early for doctor appointment also. Bonnie got call to go in for ultrasound late yesterday. Kind of freaks you out when they want you to come in the next day. They just emailed her and said she is fine! Unremarkable is the word they used. Who comes up with these terms? Whoever it is I am unimpressed! Also, now with all the Zoom appointments I wonder how many people sit in their Lazy Boys in their underwear talking to the doctor through a screen. I kind of like it because I know I'm not going to get a finger up my but and I don't have to brush my hair, put on cologne or use deodorant! Last time I did a Zoom with a Doctor Woolford P Woolerson jumped up on my chest unexpectedly turned around and mooned the old white coat! Can't make nothing that good up it just happens. A Jeffery Toobin moment I guess you could say!

  2. Boyfriend's doctor's appointment went well. Eyes still in the healing process. Grateful for Bonnie's medical report. Whew!

    Will try to erase the vision of Toobin that you so sweetly planted in my head.

  3. You'll have to send a pic of the "finished" curtain. I can't imagine it.

  4. When the curtain is finished, Tall Cottage, you betcha I'll post a photo. Would say it's now maybe half done.
