Sunday, January 23, 2022


Beads, beads and more beads.  Worked most of yesterday on my Boho Curtain and am lovin' it.  Talk about a way to use up one's stash of beads.  Actually, more than likely will need to find more.  

One bead at a time is great therapy to instill the business of taking one day at at a time.  Am discovering that the real beauty in this curtain is variety of sizes and shapes of beads.  If they were all one size and shape, the piece would not "pop."  Some need to be bright, others not so bright.  Some need to be large and round, others need to be long and narrow.  

Me is a happy little girl, cuz we got about 5 inches of the pretty white stuff.  The maintenance guy has the east parking lot cleared off, as well as the sidewalk around the building.

Last night accidentally came across a You Tube t.v. series called Seven Year Switch.  Never heard of it before.  Four married couples who aren't getting along, are put into Switched Therapy.  For two weeks they switch partners to see if they married the wrong person.  They move in together, mutually decide the boundaries, and at the end of two weeks they decide if they want a divorce or to stay with their spouses.  For instance, if the guy likes to party and his wife doesn't, then he's paired with a gal who likes to party.  To someone who's been married so many years, the show seems quite radical, but marriage isn't a sacred union anymore.  The young people view it as a prison, keeping them from being happy.

It's entertainment.  Get a kick out of watching how couples interact, how they flirt with their new 2-week spouses, some aren't as truthful as they should be, the whole bit.  Will see if more episodes are on You Tube, cuz that just might be on today's to-do list besides making a batch of homemade soup.  Cuddy's parents gave us a few rutabagas they grow on the farm.  The plan is to use them, potatoes, hamburger, onion, frozen zucchini, carrots and whatever vegetables that aren't fuzzy or wilted.  Am not one who cares for soup without meat.  Gotta have some kind of meat.  Mom used hamburger in her soups sometimes, and that was good.  Will see what I can come up with.  Am going to use the crock pot so must get to it shortly.  

Beautiful day, sun shining.  Was cute how a little sparrow sat up on the porch pillar a couple minutes ago eating snow.  Must be the way they get their water in the winter months.  Such sweet little souls.