Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Think I'm in love........

.........with Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Raspberry Squares.  For Christmas, we got a bag of the Chocolate Peppermint Squares, and they were positively delicious.  Taken like a vitamin, one a day, is my approach to eating candy.  Figure one of anything can't hurt, 'specially if it's something that takes a person over the moon.  

Well, our last online grocery order included a bag of the Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Raspberry Squares.  This girl loves all things raspberry, so figured heck why not try 'em.  

Am here to scream that looking at the picture on the outside of the package is enough to make me drool.  These are the absolute best candies this girl has ever tasted.  The self-prescribed dose is to take one following the evening meal, chew slowly to allow sweetness to linger for full benefit.  This dose is guaranteed to take the edge off any day.

Actually, all sorts of berries appeal to me....strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, black raspberries and cranberries.  Remember gramma and mom making gooseberry pies that were good, too.  But, a double-crust raspberry pie just can't be beat.  Oh, that's with a scoop of vanilla ice cream drizzled with Hershey's chocolate syrup.

Awhile back mentioned my attempt to eat one meal per day, rather than three plus snacks in between.  That was seventeen days ago, and since then have not eaten 34 meals and zero snacks.  Sinned twice with the gifted sweet rolls.  Am a believer in rewards, and that is where the Ghirardelli chocolates enter the deal.  For every day that I successfully adhere to the one-meal-vitamin-plan, I get the reward of one candy after that one meal.  

Don't weigh myself and have no idea if weight has dropped.  Am simply going to continue as best I can until the nurse weighs me at my next doctor appointment.  There will either be heartbreaking disappointment or cloud-high exhilaration.  If no weight is lost, am going to come home and up the ante to eating four 2-helping meals a day with six snacks in between.  I'll up the chocolate intake to five pieces after the evening meal.  You get the picture.