Sunday, January 9, 2022


Up early to accommodate our house guest's wishes.  Now both my boys are taking a cat nap.  Hmmmmm.  Do our canine cuties take cat naps?

Another sunny day, although the temperature is cold outside. Must be windy, according to the movement of the tree branches.  Makes for another cozy Sunday with sports on the telly for the boyfriend and books/movies for me. We were going to take our tree down yesterday, but agreed to enjoy the pretty lights through the weekend.  

No earth-shattering happenings in my world.  Had a disturbing dream last night that woke me up, but Cuddy was cuddled close to me for solace.  He has a way of comforting me when stressed.  

Can't help but wonder if people in a person's past dream about us, like we dream about them.  Don't think anyone gets through life without bumping into personalities that clash.  It's inevitable and only we ourselves can save ourselves from them.  Sure do wish there was a switch one could turn off and would never have to think about those people ever again.  But, somehow the memory of them seeps through the cracks and infects one's peace of mind.

Spent last evening watching a You Tube live stream.  It's how I spend time with people across the U.S. and in Canada.  Sometimes I inadvertently bust out laughing cuz they are so real and say the funniest things.  How amazing is it that we have such amenities and methods of entertainment, 'specially during another round of Covid variants and social distancing.