Really cold out. Watched a guy across the way from us back his car out of the driveway, drive up to their mailbox, remove the contents, and then drive his car back in the garage. Wind chill advisory remains in effect from midnight tonight until noon tomorrow. Very cold wind chills, as low as 20 below to 30 below zero.
About all one can do on winter days like this is cozy in and stay warm. Time to count blessings, one of which is the heating systems that keep us toasty. It's tough on the fur children who potty outdoors, but they manage.
Not much going on around the neighborhood. The Fed-Ex truck and the mailman drove by earlier and that's been it. Most everyone is squirreled inside. The boyfriend's making us bbq pork with baked potatoes for supper. Haven't had bbq for awhile, so that'll be a treat. Used to make our own sauce, but mutually decided Cookie's BBQ Sauce suits our taste buds to a T. Why mess around with all the ingredients, when a store-bought one is as good as it gets. It's that business of simplifying life.
Nothing earth-shaking going on, just a nice peaceful day........oops, guess I spoke too soon........a guy, all bundled up, walked by on the street. Funny how life changes us with the years.....remember well going out for walks in the blistery cold and loving it. Now that perhaps my brain has matured, that'd be the last thing I'd choose to do.
Am still experiencing the number sequencing I wrote about several times before. Just looked up at our digital clock and it read 5:55. Happens every single day, several times a day. More than coincidence. The funny thing about that particular clock is that something's wrong with it and we aren't able to program it when the time changes. Actually, it's only 4:55 when it reads 5:55.
This February holds an interesting string of numbers..........there are conspiracy theorists predicting 'something' will happen at 2:22 on 2-2-2022. Don't know if that's a.m. or p.m. Time will tell what time will tell.