Saturday, January 22, 2022


Yowza, the snow is crawling across the parking lot and the fields with each new gust of wind.  Looks like Old Man Winter inhales deeply and then blows the snow from one place to another.  Oh, the marvels of marvelous winter.

Well, it's for sure now.  I am certifiably nuts.  Yesterday my creative juices reared up and kicked me into an artistic frenzy.  With my stash of sparkly translucent beads, have decided to make what is called a Boho Beaded Curtain for the main bedroom window.  Will put a rod about halfway down behind the pleated shade so the strands of beads will hang to the window sill.  Both of our bedrooms are on the east side of the building with excellent sunshine.....and that's what makes the beads glisten and sparkle.

This morning my phone dinged with a message from a regal one living in the tundra to the north of us.  Yup, the one and only Woolford P. Woolerson took time from his busy schedule to send his best wishes.  His Royal Highness sent a photo of himself on his throne of household reign, and it behooves me not to share His Excellency's perfectly patriarchal pose....................

Woolford P. Woolerson
(permission to use photo obtained from 
Woolford's household staff)
Think it's only fair that my readers realize that we have connections with people and pets in high places.  

So our day goes forward.  The Packers play on their home turf today in expected sub-zero temperatures.  It gives me comfort knowing I'm not the only one who's certifiably nuts.  Can't imagine when football players' bodies get older how they'll hurt and how their joints will be bone on bone.  Youth doesn't entertain the thought of later life, and that's a good thing.  

Our chicken noodle soup last night was delish.  Instead of the egg noodles, we put two packets of Ramen Noodles in the broth.  Warmed the tummies and made a nice ending to a frigid Friday.